Ademco Vista - EVL3 vs VAM ?

Does anyone know of the differences between these? Or a site listing the features of each to compare?

I am interested in the differences as well. Anyone have any experience with these two?

Hijacking an old thread here - does anyone know if there are any material performance differences between EVL3/4 and VAM? Specifically, the time to update zone status in Vera to trigger a scene?

Also, if not using TC2, is there a preference to have either VAM or Vera as the primary controller?


[quote=“summitbri, post:3, topic:184189”]Hijacking an old thread here - does anyone know if there are any material performance differences between EVL3/4 and VAM? Specifically, the time to update zone status in Vera to trigger a scene?

Also, if not using TC2, is there a preference to have either VAM or Vera as the primary controller?

I cant speak to EVL3 responsiveness on sensor triggers as I stuck with VAM only but I can say that if you don’t use TC2 you can keep Vera as Primary for more flexibility.

Vera offers a zillion more options than Honeywell designed into VAM to cash-in on Vista integration. It seems that VAM firmware development is lagging behind Tuxedo updates with just couple new device add-ons like a water valve and a garage door controller…

As I see it and based on release notes, the limited core functionalities have not been extended in VAM 6.2.10 (09/17/2015)
while Tuxedo got updated with fancy DENON sound integration on 05/20/2016.