Ademco 21p Partition 2

I am using the Ademco Vista Alarm Panel with EVL3 app and it automatically creates Partition 1. How do you add Partition 2 to Vera? Both the partitions are added and working on the EyezOn website and I can control partition 2 on the site. I just can’t figure out how to add Partition 2 the Vera. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Go to the setup page for you panel device. Click on Zones. On this page you define the zones on your panel and which partition (the “Part” parameter) they are assigned to.

If you have already defined all your zones, but placed some of them in the wrong partition, you have two options.

  1. Delete the zones that are assigned to the wrong partition and re-add them with the correct partition assigned. (The easy method)
  2. Click on advanced and edit the “zone” variable to correct the partition number. (the hard method)

The zone definition is a dash separated, semicolon delimited list of zone parameters.

9-1—3-LR Motion;10-2—3-Kitchen Motion;11-1—3-Hall Motion;12-1—1-Garage Door

This defines four zones…
(zone 9)-(Partition 1)-(no address)-(no loop)-(sensor type 3 - motion sensor)-(Named: LR Motion);…
To change the partition of an existing zone, you would change the second value for the appropriate zone.

Regardless of which method you choose, you will need to save the changes and allow several reload cycles for the new partition device and the modified zone devices to appear in the device list.