Adding Aeotec ZW187 to Vera Secure

Steps to add Aeotec ZW187

  1. Follow steps provided by Aeotec at

  2. Make sure to follow their work-around–add the device as ‘FGS-233’–or you will have an endless attempt to purge associations

  3. You will see two devices show up. The first one to show up is the sensor. The second one which indicates that it is a door sensor is not the correct one. It is a binary trigger that doesn’t work.

  4. Make sure to update the following under params:

device_type: urn:schemas-micasaverde-com:device:DoorSensor:1
device_file: D_DoorSensor1.xml
category_num: 4
subcategory_num: 1
device_json: D_DoorSensor1.json

  1. Although not necessary, if you want to hide the second device, the binary trigger, do the following:

a. Open your dashboard on the GUI
b. Select Apps/Develop apps from the side menu
c. Enter the following test code in ‘Test Luup Code (Lua)’–>luup.attr_set(“invisible”,“1”,Device_ID) but Device_ID should be the device number of the sensor you want hidden. Select “Go”
d. If your code is correct, the system will tell you so.
e. Add the code you tested successfully to "Edit Startup Lua and select “Go”
f. Some people claim you can simply restart the z-wave engine. I have found that I have to hard reset your verasecure.


Thank you for sharing this @jonny9998. Really helpful for customer with the gen 7 door/window sensor ZW187 from Aeotec.