AD2USB Vista 20P Question

I have a Vista 20P alarm system currently (for the short term) connected to ADT with Pulse.

Being new, and not familiar with alarm panels, I have a question.

On my home alarm system, I believe I have one partition.

I have dogs.

Is it possible, to connect my existing hard wired motion sensors, currently not connected, so that I can leverage motion events that vera can pick up, but will somehow be ignored if the alarm is in an armed status , so that ADT/ police / siren are not activated.

Would partitioning do this?


I don’t have my Vista 20P connected to an alarm service but I would think you should be able to put the motion detectors in partition 2 and just arm partition 1. You
would need the installer code of the Vista 20P to setup the motion sensors. You would also need the AD2USB device so that Vera can communicate with the Vista 20P.

I thought I’d put in my couple of cents, though it might not help much. Vera picks up hardwired motion and door sensor statuses via AD2USB when the alarm is disarmed through the use of virtual relays. There is at least one long thread on that on these forums. You can also bypass those zones so that, even when armed, the alarm system won’t send an alert to your provider. You can do this without partitions, to my knowledge.

I would think that you could also solve this with the correct alarm state or configuration… you can arm your alarm in such a way that a hardwired motion sensor can trip without sounding the alarm, specifically for your type of situation. As long as your pets aren’t opening sensed doors, you would be OK.

Thanks for the replies!

I do have the AD2USB, I need to reinstall after an unsuccessful first attempt. I do have the installer codes. Is a partition something I can just create, with a series pf commands form the Vista20 installers Manual?

I will search the forum for the use of virtual relays. Appreciate the pointers to get me moving in the right direction. Tinkering with the alarm panel makes me nervous !

I believe you can set the zone type to 23 for each motion sensor and use the trigger of the sensor without an alarm response.

There is no special commands to create or activate a partition.

If a partition does not have any zones assigned to it, it is inactive… If it has zones assigned to it, it is active…

You can use the *56 zone programming menu to move an existing partition 1 zone into partition 2… just enter “2” when it prompts “Partition?”.

Configuring the ad2usb plugin is left as an exercise for the reader (as I don’t use the ad2usb plugin)…