AD2USB suddenly started showing "Connection Down"

Did you reboot Vera after you entered all the serial port info?

Good question. I think I rebooted, but not positive. Got up this morning and seems to be working again–hopefully it stays that way!

Anytime the vera powers up and does not see the ad2usb the serial port settings will be lost, like when you unplug it to add a sensor and power it up off the battery. This is one reason why I have my vera on a ups and try to always add devices using full power inclusion and leave the vera where it’s at. I haven’t had to re enter my serial port settings for well over a year

I set my alarm last night via the AD2USB connection. This morning I get connection down. I first tried to save PIN, no luck. Then I went in and checked the serial config and the baud rate had defaulted back to 115k. I changed it back to 9600 and reloaded, no joy. Power cycled Vera, no joy. Checked my AD2USB device and have green blinking light. My alarm panel device still shows armed status even though I have disarmed it manually.

I have not touched Vera for months and have been using the AD2USB device multiple times daily without fault. The only things I have ever had to do is resave the PIN after I’ve added devices or rebooted Vera and even rarer I’ve had to occasionally reset the Baud rate. Otherwise I have been running the AD2USB connection without issue for years and now it is randomly gone.

Reading the responses in this thread, I am concerned that others have run into this issue and there does not seem to be a clear resolution.

Does anyone have any additional info or suggestions?

Thank you

Actually, the 115k baud rate was correct. You will want to change it back to that rate.

For me, the blinking green light usually leads to the lack of internet connectivity. I had that problem the other morning, for unexplained reasons, and i simply unplugged the vera and plugged it back in and the green light went solid and vera was once again talking to the ad2usb. I am hoping to replace my internet connectivity with a raspberry pi this week, hoping to get a more dependable alarm connection than the ethernet port on the back of my uverse receiver.

But since you mentioned it, just in the past few weeks I have looked at the ui5 screen and it says the connection is down about once or twice a week. I hit the reload button and do not get the message. This also follows my lightning strike which burned out my ad2usb and required me to get a new one.

I would think that if you are getting a green blinking light that you are having a lot of other issues as well, so for me I would be tracking back the internet connection.

reset baud to 115k and it works again. Thank you! I hope it stays up. Vera is connected to network via unmanaged gigabit switch.

Never had this happen before. We did have a thunderstorm last night. If power blinked, it did not blink enough to reset any clocks in the house. Vera is connected to a UPS as is the alarm panel.

Not sure what is going on. I guess I’ll just keep an eye on it. I use the plugin twice daily, so I’ll know pretty quickly if it is not working again.


I’m having the same issue. I got a new AD2USB but it does not show up in the serial port Serial Port configuration section. Any ideas? I’ve connected to my PC so I know its working.

Wondering how any of you fixed this previously. I am uninstalling the plugin, refreshed, and then power cycle (reboot) the VeraLite.

I could not get the plugin to work. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot ?

My AD2USB device has worked perfectly for several years (except for the occasional vera serial port config reset).
I’m now experiencing the same ‘connection down’ error - it started a week ago.

I’ve noticed that the green ‘heartbeat’ light on the AD2USB device will turn off completely when the connection down error occurs (no more flashing).
Troubleshooting so far:

  • replaced the vera to AD2USB USB cable (problem still occurs)
  • I’ve upgraded the AD2USB firmware (problem still occurs)

To temporarily fix the error (for a day or two), I simply disconnect the 4 alarm wires from AD2USB, wait a few seconds, and plug them back in.
The green heartbeat light starts flashing again and I reboot veraplus and everything works fine again.

I will keep troubleshooting.

Does this behavior repeat itself when you have it hooked to a PC?

Oddly enough I am also having this “Connection Down” issue after adding a switch last weekend. Anyone have any luck fixing this issue? It’s been working fine up until I disconnected everything to add the switch.

As it turns out my USB settings were wrong. After re-applying them I’m back in business. I have no idea why they may have been wiped out but at least I have control again.

For others having this issue where Vera will lose connection after ~48 hours, the only fix I found was to switch to an AD2NetworkAppliance and install using the instructions on this thread:,26672.0.html

Vera Support was useless in solving my issue.

I’ve been getting these ‘Connection Down’ messages for several months now. AD2USB always seems to work fine, but Vera randomly decides to lose contact. Initially I did a lot of fiddling with Vera and AD2USB without much luck. Communicating with Vera support never got me very far. Luckily I’ve been able to get my connection back each time, but it’s been a huge inconvenience. Once I get the connection working again, it usually works fine for about a month before losing the connection again.
After a few frustrating months of dealing with this, I decided to start logging my steps to help get to a solution quickly. I’ve now successfully narrowed it down to just this:

unplug AD2USB from Vera
connect AD2USB to a computer
run Alarm Decoder
select ‘restart AD2USB’
plug AD2USB back into Vera

That’s it. No restarts, no configuration changes, no contacting support. Now while it may sound simple, it’s still an inconvenience to have to do this whenever the ‘Connection Down’ message randomly decides to show up.

Here’s a question for the community: Is there any way that AD2USB can be restarted directly from Vera (so as to avoid using a computer)? If there was a way, maybe I could set AD2USB to reset on a schedule (something like once every couple of weeks).

When you do all of that, do you also have to go back into vera and set the baud rate? For me, I found I was causing my own problem whenever I unplugged the usb from the vera box. And my resolution was to just go back to the serial port settings in vera and confirm the correct baud rate.

Nope. No settings to change. Since I don’t restart the Vera, it doesn’t change any of the serial port settings.

I have to do the same procedure as habano, however the “restart AD2USB” doesn’t seem necessary in my case.
I tried flashing the ADUSB to the latest firmware and it still looses connectivity from time to time.
Not sure whats in the Alarm Decoder app does to fix the issue, but it would be great if the AD2USB app could be adjusted to mimic what Alarm Decoder does.

I have been doing the same procedure that habano laid out for a couple years now. While I can’t recall how long ago this started becoming an issue, for years I did not have this type of issue during my VeraLite deployment (only issues was related serial port buad rate reset).

Has anybody had any luck finding the root cause?

It’s very burdensome to disconnect the Vera and use the AlarmDecoder app to get the AD2USB back into a working state with Vera. It tensd to only happen when I am away from home and need it the most.