Accidentally deleted lighttpd for upgrade

I deleted /usr/lib/lighttpd
Could anyone give me /usr/lib/lighttpd files?
Thanks! ???

I also accidentally deleted some files in my Veralite. Not sure if copying files from another vera will work. I have to follow these steps to reflash the firmware:

I am not home, but I believe the files are actually on a readonly partition and symbolically linked into the /usr/lib area.

Just take a look at other files in that area.

Thanks for your replies.
Don Phillips, AFAIK It’s not possible to compile lighttpd at VERA as there’s no configure for sure.
Also I tried to open in many ways .squashfs and .bin files - no way.

Hellovn, As for Firmware_Flash_VeraLite there’s a mark @YOU NEED TO FOLLOW THIS TUTORIAL ONLY IF YOUR VERA UNIT IS NOT BOOTING ANYMORE@ and I do not want to reupgrade it then and load backup.

RichardTSchaefer, I thought also about this, but /mios/usr/lib/ contains no lighttpd.

I found the copy of all files in /rom/

So files from lighttpd are there /rom/usr/lib/lighttpd