With the camera/lights/motion detectors now all on speaking terms, I have been experimenting with different ways to use the camera remotely.
camera is taking an archive picture every 14 hours (lights go on, snaps shot, lights go out).
the motion sensors trigger the lights and the camera to snap pics and archive on Findvera.com. (so when my real estate agent came by Saturday, I got an email notifying me of that. She called to tell me “the lights went on”. hehehe).
**However, accessing these images on Findvera.com is brutally slow. Slow to the point of, I went and made a pot of coffee and came back - still not done loading. This seems true whether there is 1 picture or 10. Then, the accessing of each one takes nearly as long. Not really usable.
My questions:
A. jeez, can we put those pics on a faster box?
B. is there some way to batch download them? Image feed?
C. I am willing to test having the images posted elsewhere so I can access if MC can walk me through it (my current own webserver, or MobileMe, or PicasaWeb, etc.).
Actually, this can be an interesting integration - user provides account info for FindVera to dump the pics.
I saw a problem the other day with this, Ive been archiving image shots for a few weeks now during my tests and when I tried selecting a pic from any “archived” day, my browser simply sat there forever.
I eventually got a SQL connect error from the server, It appears that more bandwidth or more horsepower is needed? Is there a way we can no use the FindVera Service and store these locally via FTP? I have oodles of storage space on my HP Home Server on the same network, that would be great
For the moment there isn’t an option from Vera’s UI, but you can do that from the Camera’s web UI. It has support for sending the pictures via ftp or via email.
If I understand correctly, that would mean taking control of the camera’s functions away from Vera (motion detectors go on, camera starts snapping pics) and relying solely on the camera’s motion functions. Kinda defeats the purpose.
Is there a fix in the works? Other solution? Accessing images via FindVera just doesn’t practically work. It has now been 18 minutes since I requested yesterday’s archive image via FindVera. It’s great having off-site backup from a security standpoint, but not if I can’t get the images…
Another stab:
What about making a simple xml feed that I can subscribe to see my camera images? this way, my reader is updating them automagically, and it isn’t an exercise of Click, Wait, Hope, Fail. As long as access to the feed is password-protected, should be fine.
[quote=“anthonyris, post:4, topic:164456”]If I understand correctly, that would mean taking control of the camera’s functions away from Vera (motion detectors go on, camera starts snapping pics) and relying solely on the camera’s motion functions. Kinda defeats the purpose.
Is there a fix in the works? Other solution? Accessing images via FindVera just doesn’t practically work. It has now been 18 minutes since I requested yesterday’s archive image via FindVera. It’s great having off-site backup from a security standpoint, but not if I can’t get the images…
Am still getting the message:
We are upgrading the camera archive viewer. Your images are still being stored. But the viewer will be down until it is migrated.