2 phase blinds closing scene


every night i want to close the blinds in the living room.
i created a scene that will first set the blinds to 80% and after 2 minutes close them completely.
i do this in 2 phases because i dont want that by accident someone will be left outside when the blinds close.

the problem is: if the starting point the blinds are closed - then during the scene the blinds open up to 80% and then close after 2 minutes.

what are my best options here?

Put a conditional on your scene so it executes only if the blind is open… You can search the forum for conditional scene executions.

this might help http://forum.micasaverde.com/index.php/topic,18679.0.html. I’ve used it before for temporary walls

You can try to use the conditions and make it work in a loop.