Z-wave Remote

I am looking for a remote that with activate the scenes already setup in Vera. It seems like the remotes on the web require you to set up separate scenes that are stored in the remote. Is that right? If so, is there a remote that will let me simply control the scenes in Vera? Up until now I have always just used my iPhone to control everything but, with the native app seemingly never coming and having to log in EVERY time I access the sight since it wont remember my logon info, it’s getting very frustrating to not have a remote.

The Wiki talks about the Intermatic remotes, my vera is on order so I am not sure how well it works with the Vera. I am going to attempt to connect my AVL300 when the Vera gets here.

Oh, didn’t notice it was you, Hi Nolos.

Hola :slight_smile: Thanks for the quick reply though

Augeas, you try the remote with Vera yet?

I have two Intermatic HA-09 (Hand held remotes) and they operate vera scenes without having to program the remote other than to set them up as secondary controllers and setting up what buttons to use. You can use the same process as the HA-07 in the Wiki/Vera help info. The process is easy once you realize that you have to let Vera configure the remotes more than once.


So I just set up the scenes in Vera and then set what buttons I want to operate certain (already set up) scenes. And I do it all through vera? If you say “ya” then I’m gonna pick one up. Thanks

I’ve been banging my head for a week on an HA-09, attempting to follow the instructions. Adding it twice, I get it. I can see the remote in Vera, but when I press the buttons, I get flashing red lights, then alternating flashes, and no scene controls. Been using method #2.

For those who have done it successfully, is there a short summary on the trick?

I have a HA07, HA09, and the WD Gateway.
They all work fine as controllers.

For the HA07/09, the 6 “On” buttons are different signals, but all the off buttons send the same signal.

Configure as per instructions installing twice, then click on the “Treat scene buttons as events see: method #2” in the device configuration for that remote.

The six off buttons all send the same signal? Sounds like you’re telling me that you can turn on six different scenes but if you hit and of the 6 off buttons it turns off all six scenes. Is that correct?

See the last paragraph under “Method #2” on this page:


Hope this helps shed some light (no pun intended) on the situation…

As far as I understood this, there is no working remote controller (in Europe) at all. I’d be glad if somebody could falsify this.
e.g. the Duewi / Popp remote with it’s working ALL ON/OFF functionality is not enough to look at it as a usable remote controller.
Is there somebody in europe out there owning a remote working with Vera?

Thanks in advance!

I was told the Aeon-Labs Minimote 4 button should work in Vera, I haven’t tested it by myself becouse it isn’t available now.

The Innovus remotes work. You can still buy some at www.homee.dk. But Innovus is out of marked.

(I have not tried scenes in the new LUUP firmware.)

Soon there will be QEES remotes. They are made by the same people. So I hope, they will work to.

You can make a Duewi/Popp work on the same network. So it will control devices, but it will not be able to activate anything on Vera.


Thanks for your hint to the Aero remote, I’ll have a look at it!
I think I’ve read on zwaves.dk (thanks to google :)) that it only could turn on / off single devices and would not be able to activate scenes. If so, does it get assigned to the devices itself (no vera needed anymore) or does it tell Vera that button 1 has been pressed and Vera tells the device to turn on, increase temp., …?

Well what I’m trying to figure out is, if Vera stays the almighty controller I expect it to be or is ‘she’ only creating a associating the remote button 1 to, lets say, a lightswitch?

I wrote what is on zwaves.dk about Aeon remote. :slight_smile:

Be aware that when I tested Aeon 2 button, I could not get any remotes to work with the current Vera firmware.

SmoothRemote worked for a periode before, and it now works again. So it is likely that a Aeon remote will work now.

I don’t own a Aeon remote, so I can not test again.

Vera create associatings.

I believe that is a good thing. My Innovus House Control is almighty. That means that if it goes away alle my remote buttons goes away.

If Vera is down, my remote buttons still work.

Thank you for clearing the sky a little!

I summarize what you told me for my better understanding. Please correct me, if I’m wrong.
Vera creates associations between my devices like my wall switches and my HVAC, okay.
Also Vera can be the receipient of the button push on the wall switch, so complex scenarios can be executed, which could not be done by only using simple associations, right?

OT: Oh my, I think I really have to buy my own Vera now to understand this concept in total. And as I could already experience, the guys of MCV a really ambitious to get things done, when somebody got stuck. So… let’s go shopping!

No correction. :slight_smile:

I would like to control both an A/V system (TV, DVD, etc.) and lighting with a single integrated system, including a remote. Does this make sense? If so, does it make sense to use something like a Nevo Q50 remote together with a Vera? The Nevo can control Z-Wave devices. I don’t own any of this yet, but want to have a sense before I get into it.

I have read this thread, and also the link on the MCV Wiki suggested by LibraSun:



You might also want to look Nevo Q50 or S70. Both can use the optional IR blaster/RF base with six 3.5 mm inputs for IR emitters/RS232/Voltage Sensor/Video Sensor. The base is also what is considered a “Static Z-Wave Controller” which is totally a different class of Z-wave device than the primary or secondary controller as it maintains a complete routing table of the entire Z-ware network in its dbase regardless of power condition. The only catch is that this product is sold through dealers because of programming involved.