Why does Vera use my surname?

Vera Edge UI7 - Dashboard greeting uses my surname which I find a bit harsh! Eg. “Hello Jones”
Is there any way to change it to use my first name? Eg. “Hello John”

My Vera 3 uses my user ID and says Welcome . I’m not seeing it say hello.

My expectation is that it gets the name from the home.getvera.com account. If you’re not logged in, then it won’t know your name.

@brianrozs5br - Check/edit your account profile.

My mistake, it does say ‘Welcome’.
My account info all seems correct but I’m still greeted with my surname! Odd!

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All “Mr.” in front of your last name.

It won’t fix it, but at least it’ll say “Welcome Mr. Jones”

[quote=“brianrozs5br, post:4, topic:188032”]My mistake, it does say ‘Welcome’.
My account info all seems correct but I’m still greeted with my surname! Odd!

Sent from my SM-P901 using Tapatalk[/quote]

Is JONES by any chance also your user ID you log into home.getvera.com with?

No. ‘Jones’ was merely an example!

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OK, so is the way Vera addresses you by any chance also your user ID? As it seems it uses the User ID rather than the first or last name.

No, it’s not using my username

Sent from my SM-P901 using Tapatalk

I think I had a similar issue. If you open up the settings menu and (re)run the setup wizard it will ask you for your first and last name. Mine were either missing or round the wrong way.

Funny I thought the same thing as a new user of Vera, adding you first name before you surname (in the surname field) seems to be a fix for now :wink: