where can I find logfile for events?

I found the logfiles for zwave activity, but where can I find log for events? The events listed on findvera.com does not give the information I would expect - in fact I don’t know what that page does specifically.

As I am currently troubleshooting issues with events created are not notified, being able to see the logs can help.

All the log files are in /tmp/ and cmh specific logs in /tmp/log/cmh
You’ll be interested in reading /tmp/log/cmg/DCERouter.log files. In this fiel you’ll see all the messages.
If you need more infos you can enable Verbose logging: /usr/bin/VerboseLogging.sh enable
of from Setup->Advanced->Logs

You can see that log also from a web browser at this address:

in your specific case the exact url it will be: [url=][/url]

I have enabled notifications (but not sending emails) on many devices.
I have looked (via ssh) in all the locations you specify but cannot find any trace of events as they occur.
Also, the web links to review logs does not seem to work either.
I am using UI4 with the latest firmware 1.1.1047 or 1.1.1062

Any ideas?

Same issue on two units. Seems the log/notification function is less than optimal. I hope MCV looks into this.

In particular I need to be able to log door lock activity. The code/name of the user that unlocks the door is critical.

[quote=“cj, post:2, topic:164359”]All the log files are in /tmp/ and cmh specific logs in /tmp/log/cmh
You’ll be interested in reading /tmp/log/cmg/DCERouter.log files. In this fiel you’ll see all the messages.
If you need more infos you can enable Verbose logging: /usr/bin/VerboseLogging.sh enable
of from Setup->Advanced->Logs

You can see that log also from a web browser at this address:

in your specific case the exact url it will be: [url=][/url][/quote]

Since the findvera doesnt work anymore and i get an error on the exact IP, is this log still accesible?