Is there a way to enable some form of security on Vera? Whenever I go to the IP address it lets me do anything I want to the device, no username or password required. While I appreciate the openness I do not want it THAT open. I looked around but found nothing to enable that would perform this function. Did I miss it, or should this be an FER (Feature Enhancement Request)?
Have you set up any users on the Users-tab? That should let you limit access to Vera.
I just realized that I did set up a couple of users, but it never prompted me when accessing the interface.
Anyone know how exactly that’s supposed to work?
I just tried adding a user, but I couldn’t find the “Require a username and password to login to the home network” checkbox mentioned on the wiki. (
Is this feature currently incomplete?
I sure can’t find it. I’m not even seeing it in the OpenWRT setup.
Looks like there is another issue.
Can anyone setup a second user, and not give them full access. I setup my wife for the system, but i can’t limit it. When I change her security to limited, and then check any/all of the sections, it doesn’t stick.
Anyone else having problems?
Looks like this was implemented in the latest firmware version 1.0.278 . I now see the “Require a username and password to access this from within my home network” checkbox above the “Add user” area and it prompted me via the browser’s standard username/password dialog to enter the info once I added a user and selected the checkbox.
Yes. Security is working, however, I can’t limit a user. Currently all users have full access. Am I doing something wrong?
Ok. So it is good to know I was not just completely out of my gourd on this. Or if I am, I am not the only one.
You’re in good company.
This is fixed in the new firmware to be released today.
New firmware coming today?
Firmware: 1.0.283
Issue: Limiting users.
I cannot limit the access for a user. If I create a new account, and then change “Give this user:” to Limited access, I can’t get it to stay.
Anyone else able to reproduce this issue? I will submit it if others are having it.
I just tried this and it seems it doesn’t work as intended. I created two users: test (full access) and test2 (limited to control lights).
First of all it seemed like the “limited access” selection didn’t stick until checked the option to only allow controlling lights.
Second, when I closed the browser and signed in as “test2”, I was redirected to the Dashboard (and not settings), but clicking on the Settings button I was able to get to settings and modify them, even ended up deleting “test2” while signed in as “test2” which was supposed to have limited access.
We just got the authentication working for the 283. It seems the limited access is not working. I created a bug report:
We’ll have another firmware update next week to fix this.