Vera (Luup) Control of Denon A/V receiver over serial/ethernet

Hah! True!

Well, I spent some time over the last few weeks messing around with Vera, and the latest Denon code from I also spent a little time inside the API docs I could find for a Denon 3808 just for fun.

I made a few changes to my local copy of the code, which does the following:

  • Receivers that have been named through the menu on the receiver now inherit that name and show up in Vera that way (instead of just the model number – receivers that do not support naming will behave the way they used to)
  • The regex for the source names was broken on my stock AVR-1912 (specifically, the NET/USB source and V.AUX source). I fixed it on mine and it parses out the stock AVR-1912 sources as well as sources with spaces in the names now.
  • Added support for digesting and saving the following to the device variables: individual channel volume levels, maximum volume (was previously statically defined at the top of the lua), audio source for a given input, and audio codec for a given input.

Nothing really happens with those device variables, but now the Denon plugin doesn’t toss as many unhandled return log messages as it used to for me. Previously I’d get a storm of unhandled returns whenever the volume changed or the source changed.

I’ll spend a few minutes tonight looking at the json side, I know a little about it but not how Vera is using it to define what gets displayed where.

[quote=“zoot1612, post:98, topic:167791”]I would like to suggest the get zone names via Ethernet part of the plugin be removed. This is for two reasons, one I can’t get it to work reliably in UI5 from a timing point of view and the replacement covers off connections for both with serial and Ethernet.

The replacement would be a table as follows: -

local receiverDetails = { ["AVR-3808EUR"]={ zones={3}, inputs={"TV/CBL","HDP","DVD","NET/USB","TUNER,CD","PHONO","SAT","VCR","DVR","V.AUX","XM","IPOD"} }, ["AVR-2???????"]={ zones={2}, inputs={"TV/CBL","HDP","DVD","NET/USB","TUNER,CD","PHONO","SAT","VCR","DVR","V.AUX","XM","IPOD"} }, }

The table will cover off the zones and inputs by using feedback from “SYMO” which in my case returns “AVR-3808EUR”. This also means that to add another device all that needs to be done is add another entry in the receiverDetails table (if they support the command).

I have already implemented but not tested just want the get feedback on whether you would prefer this or the existing method.

Please note this does not get around the naming of buttons in UI

I have attached the as yet tested implementation so you can see what I have done.



Howdy! I’m having issues with getting zone names over ethernet too. The workaround I see in the code (hitting the f_zonerename.asp file via wget) does not trigger the R? commands with the zone names on my AVR-1912. They do come through if I try to rename zones through the menu using my remote though, so I know the output is there, I just don’t know how to get it to reliably output the zone info.

Would this prevent the plugin from creating the children for each zone? I currently only get a single ON/OFF for the receiver itself in Vera.

Edit: I guess it’s r_zonerename.asp, but that immediately redirects to f_zonerename.asp on the AVR-1912, hence my confusion.

Hi Newbie here i have had my box 24 hours so very very new to this i have install the Denon app but i have a problem with a couple of the buttons being labeled differently and not controlling the unit correctly my control has sat/cbl not tv/cbl and does not function i have the avr1912 please tell me how i can edit and which file i need to edit and how to get to it…

Sorry to be so thick but this is going to be my starting point .

Any help would be much appreciated.

I seem to have been struggling with similar issues as described here in another thread…,12786.msg100053.html#msg100053

Specifically, I’ve been trying (and finally succeeded) to get this going over a serial connection to an AVR-2307, and found a few unexpected features in the code. Will try to merge some of the updates here with mine. Will be happy to share the effort, but what’s the best way to cooperate constructively on this without diverging?

Yes this is a known issue see: -


So it looks like we now have four copies of the code floating around:

  1. The app store version
  2. Zoot’s mod
  3. Akbooer’s serial version
  4. Whatever is currently in svn

I think the svn version is based on Zoot’s last version with some tweaks because I had a few issues with that. I will try to grab all the files and see where we stand. It would be really nice to have a version that supported all of the receivers (serial and ethernet). Unfortunately, I don’t think any of us are in a situation to test everything.

Ok, so I installed this plugin from the store, had some issues so I tried some of the other code laying around and that made it worse. SO I started over, I have the store version installed, I can turn the denon on/off, control the volume, mute/unmute, and the only tuner button that works is the TUNER one.

I also cannot set anything other than the power within any scenes.

What do I need to do to be able to have a scene control the mute/unmute and/or source selection.

I have an AVR1713.


I just wanted to let you guys know that this plugin works for the Marantz SR7005. Thanks to radarengineer and all the other contributors. I plan on using this to turn on my receiver, select source to Internet Radio, play at a volume level of 50 when my Ademco alarm is armed and motion is detected at the front door/porch when I’m not at home. Now I just need to get a motion detector!

Hi all, do we have any progress on better Denon control yet? Can’t find it by searching… I use the AVR-3312. Thanks.

[quote=“radarengineer, post:147, topic:167791”]For anyone interested in using multiple programs to control their Denon at the same time (e.g, Command3808 on Windows, various smart phone applications), I cleaned up my Denon multiplexing code and put it on the net:

Basically this lets you set up a pogoplug (or similar) as a virtual Denon receiver. The difference is it allows multiple clients, and in addition there is a debugging port that I open up. You can telnet to that debugging port and then watch the traffic that the various clients and the Denon sent each other.

You could run this on another Linux distro or a windows machine as well with a little modification, I’m happy to help out in that respect.

…and more text…[/quote]

Any chance this could be made as a package for Synology DSM 4.2 / 4.3 ? My Synology is on 24*7 so that would be nice. Since I am for the moment thinking of how to solve the “Marantz only accepts ONE connection at a time over ethernet” and I have about 4 devices that needs contact…

Or another solution might be to let Vera take the control, and send all commands thru Vera and this plugin - but then I need to add a number of buttons like “favorit radio channel” and so on - would that be doable ?

I kind of found another way to solve my challenge:

I send the telnet command to my Marantz receiver “blind”:

local socket = require("socket") host = "" c = assert(socket.connect(host, 23)) c:send("SITUNER\r") c:close()

It will turn on my Marantz, and select Tuner as input. Which is exactly what I need - to get my stereo to wake me up. And as far as I can tell for now: It does not seem to upset my iRule installation - so sending telnet commands just works. So the “one connection at a time” might only be for feedback ?

Just started with Vera. Currently gradually updating from HomeVison and Girder 5. Going thro the apps was glad to see a Denon amp. I have Denon A11 amp and 3910 DVD.
These are controlled via serial links and lua from girder.

I have a 4 port to ethernet to serial.

How do I setup this app. In the Advance setup I set ip to but does not connect. Do I require to tell the setup up which port the Denon is connected to.

When setting up the Denon in Girder I think the A11 (UK) was similar to to 3805 or 3808.

Have read thro the post but can’t find anything on setting up or I more likely I did not recognise it

So far looks like I shall eventually transfer all control to veralite and shutdown pc and homevison

I’ve just replaced my Denon AVR-2307 and serial interface with an AVR-X2000 and Ethernet. The plugin sort of works, but is flakey. So definitely time for another look at this plugin.

Hi was the only setup you carried out to enter the IP address in this field in advanced settings ?

Yes, it was.


Have you had a chance to take a look at this plugin yet?

I just installed an AVR-X?000 and am starting to think about how to best integrate with Vera.

Ideally, I’d like a power-on of the receiver or a change to a different source (i.e. from an audio source to a video source would lead to dimmed lights in the room, etc) although I’ve not looked into how to listen for and identify that the AVR is firing off an event, if it actually does that can possibly be trapped by a plugin and result in an event firing on the Vera. (Hoping that the PROTOCOL manual will cover it in a manner I can comprehend!)

HI installed the plugin, setup the ethernet to serial ES-E-1004-M it’s a four port ethernet to serial, so setup IP address as port number required to direct to correct port.
Set as Raw TCP Server
Baud 9600, Databit 8, Flow Type NONE, Stopbit 1

I have a Denon A11, it’s the UK version of I think 5805. Not all of the commands from the plugin worked. Changed the plugin commands to match the A11. Changed the json file button decriptions to match the A11.

It has been running well with not problems so far

[quote=“sjolshagen, post:176, topic:167791”]@akbooer,

Have you had a chance to take a look at this plugin yet?[/quote]

All I’ve done so far is to use the plugin to turn on/off and change volume and inputs, so the basic functionality is there for the X2000. I have noted that there are some error messages - unrecognised commands, etc. - but that doesn’t seem to be a problem.

I need to get back to this sometime, but other things in hand right now. It really needs a complete re-write to integrate various versions and tidy things up. Quite a big job.

Anybody know whether the model numbers indicate supersets of functionality or if it appears to be more “random” than that? (I’m sure they have a plan at Denon, but they may not communicate it).

Attached is a lau file which was created by a user on Girder 5 home automation. I controlled a Denon amplifier for years, utilising the file. It contains a fair amount of info and commands for various amps denon amps.
As stated this is work by members of the Girder community

I managed to modify the Denon Amp plugin to control an A11

Hopefully it maybe of some use on control of Denon Amps.

I also have another file which I cobbled together to control a Denon DVD