Unwanted devices appearing on veramate premium app

Can anyone help?? I’m getting devices such as smoke sensors etc appearing in one of my rooms that I have never paired or even have. It’s not on my dashboard and Vera support have logged on with remote tech support to also confirm this. Tried deleting and reinstalling app but it is still there. Any ideas?

Devices such as this will be the way Vera handles some components. Often a device has 2 or more underlying devices to represent it (eg, a smoke alarm also has a temperature monitor device). You’d need to give details of the device, but, this would be a question more for Vera support - it sounds like there’s a chance they don’t support it if it’s definitely not an expected extra device, in which case they can connect to your vera to modify if necessary.

Otherwise, in VeraMate, you can enter edit mode and just hide the device.