I’m struggling too with devices that Vera can’t find (Can’t detect device) and yet actually work when I use them in a scene or manually (a GE Z-Wave outlet, a Z-Wave power strip). Very strange.
Can I take a moment to thank Vera for NOT breaking my Minimotes this time!?! LOL
I just did the upgrade my Vera Lite from version 1.7.513 to 1.7.649 latest. They have the same problems with poor detection motion sensors Fibaro UBS as reported on the version 1.7.541 and later. Support from March invariably replies that the repair will be in the new versions!
I went back to version 1.7.513. All sensors are working OK.
I’m struggling too with devices that Vera can’t find (Can’t detect device) and yet actually work when I use them in a scene or manually (a GE Z-Wave outlet, a Z-Wave power strip). Very strange.
Can I take a moment to thank Vera for NOT breaking my Minimotes this time!?! LOL[/quote]
TIP: To bring your device back, at least temporarily, just turn it on and off manually. Gotta love this Z-Wave voodoo.
I’m struggling too with devices that Vera can’t find (Can’t detect device) and yet actually work when I use them in a scene or manually (a GE Z-Wave outlet, a Z-Wave power strip). Very strange.
Can I take a moment to thank Vera for NOT breaking my Minimotes this time!?! LOL[/quote]
I’m getting this with two devices even though they are using the exact same GE/jasco in-wall modules and one of them is actually in s dual box right next to one that’s working fine!
the worst part: I cannot unpair them to try adding them from scratch. this is crazy. and my G1 aeon labs energy meter still reads 12-13 phantom devices…glad to see that hasn’t been fixed in the last…5 firmware updates. man. my “mesh” network is just a mess now.
I’m struggling too with devices that Vera can’t find (Can’t detect device) and yet actually work when I use them in a scene or manually (a GE Z-Wave outlet, a Z-Wave power strip). Very strange.
Can I take a moment to thank Vera for NOT breaking my Minimotes this time!?! LOL[/quote]
I’m getting this with two devices even though they are using the exact same GE/jasco in-wall modules and one of them is actually in s dual box right next to one that’s working fine!
the worst part: I cannot unpair them to try adding them from scratch. this is crazy. and my G1 aeon labs energy meter still reads 12-13 phantom devices…glad to see that hasn’t been fixed in the last…5 firmware updates. man. my “mesh” network is just a mess now. :([/quote]
I can say I’m having issues much like you guys. The update made my CT100 stop responding but I couldn’t remove it from my route and all devices route through it. So it says that I can’t connect to any devices because the route to the CT100 is broke but some how the devices that “can’t communicate” still trigger, they just don’t update their status.
Just purchased a new Vera3 (to replace the one that just died). I was using UI5
I have constant issues with UI7
[ul][li]errors on devices
devices being uncontactable
devices now appearing that don’t exist
devices that will not delete
support that does not seem to do any support
battery devices draining in days for no known reason
devices reporting unknkown errors
devices that I CANNOT delete
and plugins dont work…[/li]
[quote=“peterr, post:128, topic:188243”]Just purchased a new Vera3 (to replace the one that just died). I was using UI5
I have constant issues with UI7
[ul][li]errors on devices
devices being uncontactable
devices now appearing that don’t exist
devices that will not delete
support that does not seem to do any support
battery devices draining in days for no known reason
devices reporting unknkown errors
devices that I CANNOT delete
and plugins dont work…[/li]
[quote=“integlikewhoa, post:129, topic:188243”][quote=“peterr, post:128, topic:188243”]Just purchased a new Vera3 (to replace the one that just died). I was using UI5
I have constant issues with UI7
[ul][li]errors on devices
devices being uncontactable
devices now appearing that don’t exist
devices that will not delete
support that does not seem to do any support
battery devices draining in days for no known reason
devices reporting unknkown errors
devices that I CANNOT delete
and plugins dont work…[/li]
over this step backwards in technology.
I am going to go back to UI5[/quote]
See you soon[/quote]
I was tempted to say something snarky too but… home automation, at least for the present, is really not for the faint of heart. You will spend countless hours solving trivial problems. Upgrades will break, well, everything. No device JUST WORKS it seems. When you find one that does, you are astonished (like the Nest Cam LOL).
Folks see my setup and ask how THEY can do it. I try to discourage 'em.
As to UI7 and running the latest firmware, I guess I’m the very definition of “early adopter”. I’ll run the latest, and do WHATEVER it takes to solve each and every problem. You also have to have a “money is no object” approach and be willing to spend whatever time it takes, learn whatever tech (LUS, scripting, etc) it takes.
So in answer to the previous post, are those the ONLY problems you have? Meh hehe
Updated. Everything was going smooth. Got Samsung Smartcam set up. Everything was great. Until it killed my Yale lock. It even disabled the physical touch pad on the exterior. How does this stuff make it past QC?
+1 on FW failure.
I upgraded FW to 649 from 619. Due to poor quality and new problems I have since downgraded back to 619.
Here is a list of some of the problems I encountered:
[ul][li]Suddenly I have 10 new mortion sensor devices assigned to one room. There is one legitimate sensor in that room but these “virtual” new sensors are not real. They are all named the same “_Motion Sensor”. AND I can not delete them!! [/li]
[li]Many (not majority but ~10) devices suddenly can not be detected. They come and go. It seems unpredictable which ones will be detected at any given time. This is a regression from 619.[/li]
[li]Tons of “device NOT responding”/“device responding again” alerts. This is a regression from 619.[/li]
[li]Lots of alerts indicating “unable to write data” (or something similar). This is a regression from 619.[/li]
[li]Sudden (and random) notices in the blue bar at the top of the page indicating that LUA code in a scene is not working (or something like that). It doesn’t tell me which scene. The log shows the error but lists all of my code across all scenes. A reboot fixes the problem until it doesn’t. This is a regression from 619.[/li]
[li]Others which escape me for now.[/li][/ul]
I am happy that the guys are committed to fixing bugs and improving the firmware. But releasing it before it is ready challenges my confidence. As a consumer device I expect few problems (some but few). As a coder working on large projects I fully appreciate how difficult it is to triage and fix bugs and add features…
…but as a consumer I rely on the product I paid for so that I don’t have to waste my precious home time chasing down bugs that should have never been released ( do that during my work time). Most notably I rely on my Vera product to alert me when garage doors are left open and doors unlocked. These are security matters to me.
Please don’t release FW updates until they are ready. OR at least make it clear that a FW release is purely beta and experimental. When my system’s FW tab tells me that a newer FW is available I am not opting into a beta test pool, rather my device is telling me that it needs to be updated.
Thus, as a consumer, the more you release firmware updates like this the more my confidence in your products are erode. This pushes me to look at your competitors and the more of my time is spent mitigating issues like this the more the ROI of your products decreases.
I like your products. I love that I can modify them with my own code. Please don’t push me away with low quality releases.
To rectify the phantom devices.
Open the parent device and click delete and when asked confirm deleted not unpair… This will remove the parent temporarily and all child devices. A short time later, the parent will reappear and you know the rest. Just note, this will result in a new device # being assigned so it will affect scenes or other associated rules.
Is there a way to clear device ID’s that are no longer used? Because of phantom devices and other stupid things that have happened, I have device ID’s up in the 60’s, but really only have about 20 devices. Is there no way to make vera forget that a device ID was once assigned?
The hassle this has caused far outweighs the benefits of sticking with Vera. I have a very vanilla system with basic scenes and plugins. This is the first time I’ve seriously considered switching to a competing device. The complete lack of QC and testing that Simple Machines must go through before these firmware updates is laughable. I get very little time to spend at home with my family and I’ve spent the majority of it trying to debug this piece of garbage over the past few days.
Also, after the downgrade my lock has continued to go nuts. So far as it has permalocked a few times with no way to open without removing batteries. The front display is unresponsive as it seems the Edge is polling it repeatedly. New batteries lasted 3 days under this latest firmware.
Are there ANY other Z-Wave plus controllers out there? I recently picked up a Gen5 multi-sensor from Aeotec but I’m not even going to bother pairing it as it seems others are having a nightmare with it.
The hassle this has caused far outweighs the benefits of sticking with Vera. I have a very vanilla system with basic scenes and plugins. This is the first time I’ve seriously considered switching to a competing device. The complete lack of QC and testing that Simple Machines must go through before these firmware updates is laughable. I get very little time to spend at home with my family and I’ve spent the majority of it trying to debug this piece of garbage over the past few days.
Also, after the downgrade my lock has continued to go nuts. So far as it has permalocked a few times with no way to open without removing batteries. The front display is unresponsive as it seems the Edge is polling it repeatedly. New batteries lasted 3 days under this latest firmware.
Are there ANY other Z-Wave plus controllers out there? I recently picked up a Gen5 multi-sensor from Aeotec but I’m not even going to bother pairing it as it seems others are having a nightmare with it.[/quote]
I think you will find it a “grass is always greener” type situation. If there were a better alternative, we would be moving to it in droves I suspect. I mean the controller is a very small part of our overall investment (just talking HW here and not time wasted).
This latest upgrade was a big one (it was one of the reasons I jumped on it). It impacted so many areas. It is like the “.0” release that everyone should be wary of. Perhaps we all should have waited for the “.1”…
Just because an update is available … does not mean you should upgrade!
If you have a test system (i.e. you are a developer … or very concerned about your system) then upgrade it … test it and see how it goes.
If you do not have a test then wait for 1 month … see what the people are saying about the release.
For those that are new to Vera (i.e. you started with UI7) hopefully you will get a release that achieves your objectives. I still would not be in a hurry to test each new release.
Apologies for the rant earlier. Agree that sticking with it is probably the best idea. I absolutely love Veramate and that’s more than enough to keep me around. I’ll try to downgrade one additional firmware and see if that does the trick. If it were anything other than the door locks I could live without it until another update comes along. Interestingly enough the phantom devices are still around after the downgrade and the lock polling has continued as an issue. I’ve tried several resets of the Edge with no luck. Only thing that seems to work is a battery pull on the lock itself. Would it be best to unpair the lock for the time being so I can at least get touch panel functionality back? I believe the lock will retain the codes without being paired up to a controller.
Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that we have seen this thread and I have brought it to the attention of the Development Team.
When you have issue like these please let Customer Care know so we can look into what the problem is, try to resolve it and report it to the Development Team when appropriate. http://support.getvera.com/customer/portal/emails/new or support@getvera.com. Feel free to CC me so I am in the loop.