UI7 ▾ Vera Software Update ▾ 7.0.30 - Nov 20, 2019

7.29 was a big step forward - the beta versions of 7.30 (aside from the Xmas tree issue, at least for me) were also a good step forward.

The non-beta version of 7.30 has been a total charlie foxtrot so far and less stable than the beta versions.


I posted earlier that I was able to reset. Now I get into settings and turn off wifi. It’s what I do save and apply and then a static IP. Only after this the controller loses its network mind and will not get back on Ethernet unless I reset again. I’ll give the plain ole backup a shot. I was thinking of rebuilding. This run lasted over 3 years so far.

My VeraPlus do not find this:

Checking if there is a newer firmware version available

You are running the latest version 1.7.4453

I haven’t tested everything. A restore is working including the dead bolts. Thanks for making a restore non painful. Let’s see how the run is.

Firmware ver is 1.7.4833 (7.30)

Any Vera Edge users having problems?

Too scared to try on my Edge!

My edge has had zero issues so far, I’ve no idea why the plus is so badly impacted.

I also had no issues with my test edge. I believe the Plus has a different OpenWRT distribution than the Edge.

I guess this fiasco has been pulled for plus users, mine thinks it’s running the latest version unlike my edge. Guess what, its not going on the edge either!

I update my VeraPlus as well through the official upgrade channel. First I had the same blinking as most of you. After reset (press 3 times) the vera plus came back but without the zwave network. I restore the zwave from 1.4001 and the vera plus is running fine. Some fibaro devices lost their names but could be easy rearranged. Maybe a “lucky punch”.

You are running the latest version 1.7.4833 (7.30)

BR Ralf

For the 7.30 release on the plus a number of openWrt packages got updated, and they should. For the Beta that all went fine. I hope they figure out quickly what changed since.

On the Edge those packages are not updated and planned for the 7.31 release. Hopefully this will not happen like this anymore as there are some nice improvements on the Plus we cannot use as plugin developers until the Edge is at the same level again.

Cheers Rene

What bothers me the most is that a build gets released without being beta tested and the beta tested feedback gets ignored. Very similar to how mios used to run things and the reason why UI7 became as buggy as it did.
There are some basic principles to software management which are not being followed.
I gave an example of how release should be managed here. UI7 ▾ Vera Software Update ▾ 7.0.30 - Nov 20, 2019 - #29 by rafale77 - Release Notes - Ezlo Community
Following this and a fixed release time schedule will give you both a faster, and predictable release rhythm keeping customers engaged and updated while maintaining much better quality. Right now it is slow, buggy, poorly tested. @melih. This would give Ezlo a lot more credit and trustworthiness.


A lot of what you say makes sense. Being a business owner and a provider of services I do understand that while I need to listen what the customer requires I need to balance that with what’s best for the business.

Unlike Home Assistant, Vera is not a community based project so the final design and implementation decisions lie solely with owners of Vera. There’s no doubt that this will not please everyone.

At the end of the day Vera will need to look to within the business and decide if they have the right team in place to move the business forward. Of course they will need to heed user feedback but it’s not the users role to redesign their product. That’s purely the responsibility of Mios. All we can do is highlight their shortcomings and if not satisfied with their responses vote with our wallets and move elsewhere.

I hear you and you have been posting in that sense a few times.
Where I don’t agree is that I am not trying to say they should only listen to what we ask. I am not asking for new features or designs or setting the company in a new direction. I have been asking what the direction is and above all, all the suggestions are to fix the mess they have on hand, in all the areas where the vera is not meeting its own specifications. This is very different from what you are describing.


To explain a little. The OpenWRT kernel package updates are not really updates. They are an SDK downgrade and mods to the storage partition distribution to better use the flash storage which is only applicable to plus and the secure because they have extra unused storage space, This will not happen on the edge because the edge has no extra space to begin with.

The package updates are in the squashfs image and are unrelated to why these upgrades are failing. The kernel update process is one, the network monitor is the other.

I still can’t believe the number of defects that are listed as being fixed in just the last two releases. UI7 was released when back in 2014? I would think that this would be a stable mature product at this point and it really does’t seem to be.
Device replacement doesn’t really work that well and Geofencing is still not reliable. Other companies seem to be able to get geofencing to work. Reloads seem less frequent but are still happening.

fine for me , uptonow :slight_smile:

Let’s be honest, since I first purchased a VE single board computers have come on leaps and bounds. The Rock64 4Gb as an example would devour the likes of the VE now. Now that is a tinkerer’s board which would gladly run any home automation software you care to throw at it and you can hack it to pieces at your leisure.

As I see it the Vera units are basically locked down devices and generally their user base are fairly much a “plug’n’go” collective. For the life of me I cannot understand why the standard users wish to press the FW update button as soon as a notification appears on the Dashboard. Early adopters need to appreciate the pitfalls when doing so. Maybe that task should be the domain of people like yourself.

I will admit I’m a little puzzled at the gulf between what was beta tested and what was released. I’m assuming that decision was made at board level so the boards decision is now being called into question by some in the user base. Not ideal for any commercial product.

I do understand that much of the problems with the current FW release lie at a low level but where do you expect the devs to take things from here.

Can you make any sense of their decision to release a FW that you clearly see differs so much from the beta. Will all the jumping up and down at this stage make any difference to their policy decision.

Call me crazy but I do believe that our feedback makes a difference. What you call jumping up and down, I call it feedback and suggestions albeit at times with quite a bit of frustration.
This firmware (7.30) had a lot of lower level fixes I and others suggested, proving that our suggestions are heard.
The purpose of this forum, to my understanding, is to share our technical issues and solutions as well as providing feedback. If you run your company as a business owner, ignoring feedbacks and are successful, good for you. I live in the illusion and belief that it is not sustainable and it’s not how @melih views it. The first proof is that the firmware was pulled.

I was at pains to to state that I DO listen to customer feedback, BUT I must do what’s best for my stakeholders. Just take the time to fully read other points of view.

Yes this is a community platform but Vera is a commercial product and has commercial interests to consider too. I’ve no doubt they appreciate the feedback and where possible will address both your concerns and many others too bit they have a bigger picture to consider.

At least they are not taking orders and payments for a product that has not reached alfa stage along the lines of HomeSeer with proposed release of HS4. Now that would give users a reason to jump up and down.