Ubiquiti UniFi - Plugin Potential?

Well, the icon isn’t green so it looks like you are not logged in. Do you have ssh access to your Vera? If so, can you log in and get some logs?

cd /tmp/log/cmh 
tail -f LuaUPnP.log | grep UnifiSensor

I’m running into the same issue with the new UnifiPresence plugin. The logs are showing me:

50 02/15/21 19:09:58.134 luup_log:211: UnifiPresence: Connection failed: HTTP code: “invalid protocol (any)”

I did a bit of poking at it, and found that I changed the protocol setting in the https.request call to sslv23 it would work.

For any issues with UnifiPresence plugin please post here Unifi Presence plugin - General Plugin Discussion - Ezlo Community.

I did not mean to hijack parkerc’s thread.