Sunset/sunrise issue?

I have a simple scene that arms my HSM100 motion sensor at sunset and one to disarm it at sunrise. Both don’t seem to work.
I don’t have an Internet connection and was wondering if this feature relies on one in order to work properly? I can press the “Go” button and the scene works but not on its own. Any ideas?

Check out this thread where others are discussing these problems (currently on second page of forums):

I, too, have problems with the events triggering as expected. In my case, sunset is very flakey, but sometimes sunrise works!

As an aside, I do have an always on internet connection, so that should not be the issue.


Vera doesn’t have an internal clock so it doesn’t have a time/data built in. Every time it’s started time is synchronized from the internet.
If you don’t have an internet connection => you won’t have the time set => your scenes that are based on time (sunset/sunrise, timers) won’t work.

You can set the date/time manually from Vera’s CLI using date, but the Sunset/Sunrise it’s based on Location->LONGITUDE / LATITUDE and this page will be displayed only if your vera has internet connection.

I set my time by Telneting into Veras IP and using the date -s 031810512009 (month-day-hh-mm-yyyy)
The time, date and time zone are verified correct in the location tab but it won’t trigger on either sunset or sunrise even thought the “Go” button works for both. This weekend I will try to turn on detailed logging near the official sundown and see if any errors are generated. It sounds like I’m not the only one experiencing this problem.

Since this won’t work without an Internet connection I guess I will test the light level setting on my HSM100 to arm/disarm the sensors.
I will see is Vera will support a setting of “<30%” to arm and “>60%” to disarm my sensor.

I guess there are limitations if there is no Internet service, are there any others that I need to avoid?

JimMac this complex expressions will be available in the next release.
Sunset/Sunrise are having a special way off calculation according to latitude and longitude, and if you don;t set this in your Location tab ( which require internet to be displayed ) it won’t work!

Great! Can’t wait to try this out. Mi Casa Verde truly does listen to our needs. :smiley:

[quote=“cj, post:6, topic:164380”]JimMac this complex expressions will be available in the next release.
Sunset/Sunrise are having a special way off calculation according to latitude and longitude, and if you don;t set this in your Location tab ( which require internet to be displayed ) it won’t work![/quote]

Any progress around the ability to set up automation based on complex expressions? I’d like to be able to set something like that up.

If my HSM100 reports that light level is <20%, and the Motion Detector trips, then activate this scene or turn on the room lights to x setting.

There have been a few software releases since this post was made. Is it still a feature Vera will eventually support?

It was mentioned here, but I posted more on this in a topic located here:

Ok, I give up. How do you set latitude and longitude so that sunrise and sunset work correctly? I have set the time zone in the location section and Vera has the correct time. Internet access is ok. What am I missing?

Send us a ticket so we can look.
