Sensors disarming on their own?

Motion detectors have been disarming themselves every few days.

Last night (4/27) at 7:30pm ET or so, I re-armed Motion Detectors and turned off the lights via the scene “Arm Sensors - lights off”. I then confirmed that all sensors were armed and the lights were indeed off.

**Today 1 of the motion detectors (#21) are disarmed and 2 of the lights (#17 and 22) are on - all on their own.

Verbose logging was turned on and locked for a few days so all data should be there. I have left everything exactly as I found it this morning and submitted a ticket and enabled Tech Support access.

fyi, the camera turns on light and takes an archive photo every 14 hours.

Pls advise,

[quote=“anthonyris, post:15, topic:164418”]Another case of motion sensors disarming on their own.
Note: This is an install at a remote location, and no one is there. Sensors showed up as disarmed this morning, and no events tripped.

**All motion sensors are green-cogged and configured. No change in their config since April 14th.

I have locked log levels, etc. and re-armed everything. Will send if/when they disarm themselves again. Seems to be more than a few reports of this.

I am wondering if this is somehow related to the unsolved random light or two being on every few days as well?

** Doesn’t seem to be a way to trigger an event notification when an armed sensor becomes disarmed. That certainly would help troubleshooting, as this could be happening regularly - and the sensor then gets re-armed. user would never know.


[quote=“micasaverde, post:9, topic:164418”]pjgolian, here’s a recommendation… Go to advanced, logs, and turn on ‘verbose logging’ and also ‘lock log levels’ and ‘archive old logs on findvera’. If you don’t check ‘lock log levels’, verbose logging is automatically turned off after a couple hours because it really bogs the system and creates a flood of network traffic. So be sure to uncheck ‘lock log levels’ in a couple days when this problem is resolved.

Now, set everything back to auto-configure, and be sure everything is configured. Note the date/time by clicking the Location button.

When you next see that the sensor was disarmed automatically, go to advanced, tech support, and submit a trouble ticket, and include in the description the date/time you noted earlier. This way we know that the sensor disarming occurred between that date and the time of the trouble ticket, and you will have verbose logs that have been archived on our server, which we can go through and find the exact time the sensor was disarmed and why.[/quote][/quote]

It seems like many of us are having problems with the sensors.
Is someone going to give us some help.

We shoud be able to associate or link or activate a device regardless of ARMED or not .

Hawking seems to work with sensors like motion for over a year now.
What is the big deal.

Today’s update: the Hall light is now inexplicably on since 6:30 am this morning. Note that there is no one at the house and no other light is on or sensor tripped.

So, two issues remain:

  • sensors still disarming (has anyone found a solution?)
  • lights coming on and being left on.


[quote=“anthonyris, post:21, topic:164418”]Motion detectors have been disarming themselves every few days.

Last night (4/27) at 7:30pm ET or so, I re-armed Motion Detectors and turned off the lights via the scene “Arm Sensors - lights off”. I then confirmed that all sensors were armed and the lights were indeed off.

**Today 1 of the motion detectors (#21) are disarmed and 2 of the lights (#17 and 22) are on - all on their own.

Verbose logging was turned on and locked for a few days so all data should be there. I have left everything exactly as I found it this morning and submitted a ticket and enabled Tech Support access.

fyi, the camera turns on light and takes an archive photo every 14 hours.

Pls advise,

[quote=“anthonyris, post:15, topic:164418”]Another case of motion sensors disarming on their own.
Note: This is an install at a remote location, and no one is there. Sensors showed up as disarmed this morning, and no events tripped.

**All motion sensors are green-cogged and configured. No change in their config since April 14th.

I have locked log levels, etc. and re-armed everything. Will send if/when they disarm themselves again. Seems to be more than a few reports of this.

I am wondering if this is somehow related to the unsolved random light or two being on every few days as well?

** Doesn’t seem to be a way to trigger an event notification when an armed sensor becomes disarmed. That certainly would help troubleshooting, as this could be happening regularly - and the sensor then gets re-armed. user would never know.


[quote=“micasaverde, post:9, topic:164418”]pjgolian, here’s a recommendation… Go to advanced, logs, and turn on ‘verbose logging’ and also ‘lock log levels’ and ‘archive old logs on findvera’. If you don’t check ‘lock log levels’, verbose logging is automatically turned off after a couple hours because it really bogs the system and creates a flood of network traffic. So be sure to uncheck ‘lock log levels’ in a couple days when this problem is resolved.

Now, set everything back to auto-configure, and be sure everything is configured. Note the date/time by clicking the Location button.

When you next see that the sensor was disarmed automatically, go to advanced, tech support, and submit a trouble ticket, and include in the description the date/time you noted earlier. This way we know that the sensor disarming occurred between that date and the time of the trouble ticket, and you will have verbose logs that have been archived on our server, which we can go through and find the exact time the sensor was disarmed and why.[/quote][/quote][/quote]

Hi all, I need some help here with my express controls 3-in-1 sensor. I have the sensor detecting motion and triggering a light to turn on for 5 min. Im NOT using direct association, Vera uses a “motion” scene to turn on this light when the motion is detected

My problem is the sensor stays “tripped” and it takes 1 hour or so until it resets to detect motion again. The The light turns off after 5 min, so naturally, I’d like the sensor to RE-ARM and trigger the light again upon motion.

I spoke with someone at Express Controls (they make the sensor) and they told me that changing the WaitAllOff setting is 20 min by default and they suggested I change that to 5 min and see how this works. Any idea how Id add this setting into the motion sensor “ADVANCED” section as shown inthe screenshot below?

Go to the + by the device
Click " custom Zwave Setting"
then enter the settings
If you are changing variable #2 and 1 byte Hex then desired value.
Then click add.

I don’ t know the right parameter or variable to change

check the wiki you can monitor the variable

I still just dont get it, From the SDK I see the below in the CONFIGURATION_SET area:
I know I want to configure parameter #2, but everything I enter in there either doesnt exist.

So what would I put in each field? Im no coder, this just doesnt make sense to me

Byte Hex Name Description

3 PARAMETER_NUMBER —> 1=Sensitivity 2=WaitAllOff 3=EnableLED 4=LightThreshold 5=NoSleep 6=OnValue

4 DEFAULT/SIZE When Bit 7=1 (DEFAULT) the selected parameter to
be returned to its original factory setting.Bits 2-0 are the SIZE field and must be set to 001 as
the parameters are all a single byte.

5 Configuration Value See below

Parameter #1 - Sensitivity: Range 0-255. Default=200. Sets the sensitivity of the motion detector. A value of 255
will cause the motion detector to be extremely sensitive and trigger on the slightest motion but may actually always
see motion due to noise. A value of 0 will cause the motion detector to ignore all but the most extreme amounts of

Parameter #2 - WaitAllOff: Range 0-255. Default=20.Number of minutes after sending an BASIC_ON before
sending a BASIC_OFF when no motion has been detected. A value of 0 means that a BASIC_OFF is never sent. In
this case, the lights will be turned on by EZMotion, but another application will have to turn the lights off. Note that
this mode will result in many BASIC_ONs and will tend to use more battery power.

Parameter #3 - EnableLED: Range 0, 255. Default=255 (on). A value of zero disables the motion detector LED. A
value of 255 turns on the LED when motion is detected. Turning off the LED will conserve battery power.

Parameter #4 - LightThreshold: Range 0-100. Default=100 (disabled). Each time motion is detected, the current
illumination level is measured in the room and if the illumination is below the threshold then the lights will be
turned on (BASIC_SET ON). If the illumination is measured to be above the LightThreshold, then the lights will not
be turned on. This feature enables the motion sensor to intelligently turn lights on in a room with significant natural
sunlight. The lights are only turned on when the room is dark.

Parameter #5 – NoSleep: Range 0-255. Default=0. Setting the NoSleep parameter to be non-zero will cause
EZMotion to never go to sleep. In a wall-powered configuration this mode can be used to keep it awake at all times
so the sensors can be polled at anytime. When NoSleep is nonzero, the Listening bit is set in the NodeInfo frame.
When the Listening bit is set, EZMotion is a routing node and participates in mesh-network routing of packets from
other Z-Wave devices. Note that NoSleep is NOT reset to the default value when EZMotion is “reset” (IE: removed
from a Z-Wave network). Generally this parameter is set at the factory and should not be altered by the user.

Parameter #6 – OnValue: Range 0-255. Default=255. When motion is detected, EZMotion will send a BASIC_SET
command with this value. This allows the user to configure the value that the associated device will be set to when
motion is detected.
Note that the configuration values above are set to their default when a node is reset.

When I set my 3 in 1 to reset in 3 minutes I set parameter #2 to 1 byte DEC (not hex) and a value of 3.
It has been working for weeks now. Don’t expect your batteries to last very long. I modified my sensor with a 5 Volt DC input jack so it does not need any batteries. If I need the sensor to be portable again I can unplug the DC power supply and place batteries back in it.
The motion part works fine, light and temp levels have never worked yet. Still wailing for complex value settings (< or >).

The motion part works fine, light and temp levels have never worked yet. Still wailing for complex value settings (< or >).

I wonder why you temp light do not work . Have you up graded to the latest firmware?
Both the early and later version of the HSM 100 work in vera now!

I haven’t upgraded in a while, I’m two version outdated. My Vera is at a summer house that has no Internet access and I don’t get up there that often. The last I tried I could see the light & temp levels but could not trigger a scene with them. I assume by your comment that this is now working? Does the sensor need to be armed in order to trigger?

Yes, this works but I still can’t figure out how to enter the parameter. I have the sensors tripping a light and they are also working with temperature. In order for the light to turn on, the motion sensor must be armed. What I can’t figure out is how to set the ALLOFF delay as above by entering custom parameters. The motion trips the light, and the light stays on for only 5 min, then off. The problem is the sensor wont REARM, it takes 1 hour.

For temp, If the house is > 73 it turns on some fans to pull air through the house, and when it drops below 72, it shuts them off. This works perfect

I don’t have Vera in front of me so I will try to explain by memory.
From the device 3 in 1 click + to list the details and select Advanced Settings. Enter “2” in the first box, select 1 byte Dec from the pull down list and enter the number of minutes you want the device to wake up in the third box. If you want the AllOff to be 5 minutes enter 5 in the box. Save you settings. Press the blue button on the sensor and press the button (I think it called Configure now) to allow Vera to sync this new information with the device.

I tried this and when I do this, the #2 equals “path” - and I enter 5 in there and it just doesnt work. Doesnt seem right. Now I wonder if this “path” setting that #2 equals has done something wrong on the sensor. This stuff really has to be easier, it’s just not useable for the layman, or even the advanced computer person that isn’t a programmer. I understand setting a string and selecting a variable, but this is nuts.

Can SOMEONE from MICASEVERDE just reply and tell me EXACTLY what I need to do here?

You can read the instruction here on how to enter custom settings:
I think the option you want should be “Custom Z-Wave Settings” not Advanced Settings as I mentioned above. The programmable variables are explained in the page you received with the 3 in 1, Use it to determine the function and value you want.

THanks Jim, this seems like it will work, I was going into advanced since this is where CJ told me to go. Turns out you are right, its in the CUSTOM ZWAVE SETTINGS area. I added it in and will let you know how it works.

Ever since I tried this in the ADVANCED area, My sensor got hosed and wont turn the light on anymore, probably due to the #2 PATH being entered in wrong. I’ll reset the sensor and start over…

So, we are now at 616 and the problem with disarming sensors is still there - my Hawking HRDS1 goes into Bypass from ARM on its own after some period of time and it’s not being tripped.

Plus it started showing 255% of battery level since upgrade, instead of the actual reading it used to show, but it’s not that important.

Will this be fixed anytime soon? I can help if logs are needed, let me know…

I am seeing the same thing with the Hawking motion sensor.