Schedule Question

Hi, When you set a schedule in a scene which activates at Sunrise does this mean it will automatically deactivate at Sunset or do I have set a different scene to deactivate it?

Thank you

No, you need a separate one. Sunrise is just a schedule to run the scene. Similarly, sunset.

Scenes do not STAY active.
They fire on events (i.e. schedules, input triggers, manual user action).

Thanks for your replies guys :slight_smile:

Is it not possible to use “day and night” and set it to only fire an event at night ?

[quote=“svaleb, post:5, topic:190948”]Is it not possible to use “day and night” and set it to only fire an event at night ?[/quote]What are you talking about? A day / night plugin? Variable names?

It is possible to restrict a scene to only run if it is triggered at night. For instance a motion sensor triggers a scene to turn on a light, but you only want the scene triggered at night.

You create the scene and then add the following code to the LUUP section so that it will fail to run during the day. (Day and night are delineated by sunrise/sunset times.)

return luup.is_night() == true

I thought it might be a help for mawinwhouse.
I don’t know much about luup myself.
Is it not possible to use the d&n plugin ?

It is very possible to use the Day or Night plugin.

Thanks again guys :slight_smile: