Hello, The first thing I’d like to add to the Vera (if there’s room) is an Asterisk server. That would allow me to just have my Linksys WRTP and Vera running for the most part. Then I’d like to see if I could set up the Vera to be able to wake up my media server side when needed.
So, the question, is how much free space is there in your flash? Is there enough for the OpenWRT + Asterisk + Vera stack?
I wouldn’t insist on squeezing Asterisk there. Processing power and memory is limited, so when you have a couple simultaneous calls, especially in g729, the box may hang up - bad user experience.
However keep in mind that Vera is extremely flexible interfaces-wise, so you could easily integrate it with Asterisk running on a box sitting next to Vera.
Personally I’d rather had Milkfish (aka SER) running next to Vera, and Asterisk hosted “on the cloud”. More accessible and more reliable. Have you tried pbxes.com? IMHO it’s much more practical then Asterisk running at home with unreliable internet connection and chances of power outages.