Resolved: Oh Vera... you don't have to put on the red light ...

Is there a reason that you do not want the Vera as a primary controller?
I would think it would do a better job as it has more advanced features.

Brand new batteries installed mid-January.

The cogs went red on the motion sensor, as well as the light switch the same day on their own, and even the light switch wouldn’t configure anymore so highly unlikely it is the battery on the motion sensor. Cog is still red on the motion sensor (weeks later). All devices are within 15 feet of Vera.

There is clearly something going on with Vera, as this has been reported by a number of folks. The support staff got green cogs for light switch, but no report as to what they did that I hadn’t tried already.

[quote=“drzeller, post:19, topic:164350”]Anthony, I re-read this, and I hope I did not miss this, but are you sure the battery on the sensor is still good? You mentioned it hadn’t been touched in months.

Best wishes,

update to ongoing issues with motion detector. (ZIR000) I am out at the house, so able to access physically. Other device (dimmer switch) works fine. Upgraded to firmware 1.0602.

  • removed dongle, plugged back in
  • woke motion detector (pulled batteries), Configure Now failed. Red Cog, Can’t write.
  • power-cycled Vera, pulled batteries, Configure Now failed. Red Cog, Can’t write.


  • Deleted device from Vera, then added back in with dongle.
  • Device shows up, I assign it.
    -** Now the motion detector shows info on the device (Last wakeup time, manufacturer, capabilities) but NOT a “Configured At” time.
  • Battery level = 100%
  • Red Cog, but Green Write symbol.
  • Hover Over Red Cog shows “Device failed setting special configuration”.
  • Last night was able to have motion detector work and trigger a scene (turn on light), but no longer working this morning.

Pls advise. Ticket submitted.

After not being able to configure the original motion detector for months (“Device failed setting special configuration”), I decided to try and add another, brand new ZIR000 to the network.

Batteries in, press button, Dongle recognizes motion detector, Vera asks me to assign device. So far so good.

THEN, Vera displays the dreaded red cog on the NEW ZIR000 - “Device failed setting special configuration”.

C’mon now, this is just beyond the pale. Another support ticket submitted. Below is what the latest motion detector reports.

Last Wakeup 10-APR-2009 13:22
Capabilities 73,12,0,4,32,1|32,48,112,113,114,128,132,133,134,239,
Version 3,1,69,1,1
Manufacturer ACT - Advanced Control Technologies
Model 1,18770,12336
Configured at


I have the same problem with a ZIR010 (EU version).

Version is the same. (3,1,69,1,1)

I posted here:


Micasaverde finally figured this one out, and resolved it with a firmware update (on a Saturday!). I’ll let them explain the details, but seems like they previously upgraded one of the software components that talks to motion detectors, but the ZIR000 doesn’t support the new class.

Nevertheless, this is resolved and tested:
Wife walks in, motion sensor(s) fires, multiple lights go on upstairs and down, camera starts recording. After 5 minutes, lights go off and sensors re-arm. Perfect.

Green Cogs all around, and a Spinning Gold Cog for Aaron @ Micasaverde. ;D

Much thanks,

[quote=“anthonyris, post:24, topic:164350”]After not being able to configure the original motion detector for months (“Device failed setting special configuration”), I decided to try and add another, brand new ZIR000 to the network.

Batteries in, press button, Dongle recognizes motion detector, Vera asks me to assign device. So far so good.

THEN, Vera displays the dreaded red cog on the NEW ZIR000 - “Device failed setting special configuration”.

C’mon now, this is just beyond the pale. Another support ticket submitted. Below is what the latest motion detector reports.

Last Wakeup 10-APR-2009 13:22
Capabilities 73,12,0,4,32,1|32,48,112,113,114,128,132,133,134,239,
Version 3,1,69,1,1
Manufacturer ACT - Advanced Control Technologies
Model 1,18770,12336
Configured at


resolved it with a firmware update

What firmware version?

No official release yet. :slight_smile:


They haven’t released it yet. Try contacting MCV directly. They will probably send you the link if they aren’t planning on releasing it soon.

The next release includes LuaUPNP and infrared + gc100 support. So it will be a couple weeks at least before it’s officially out since there’s lots of testing still to do. The 604 firmware fixes the PIR issue. We didn’t push it out as official because it effected only a few customers. But 604 is the same as 602 just with the PIR fix. The link is here:

Thank you. :slight_smile: