Qubino loses connection on power loss

Hi guys,
I’ve just installed a qubino flush dimmer and included to my Vera edge. If the power to my house goes out, the connection to the qubino stops working and I need to reinclude it again.

Has anyone heard of this happening?


only time i have see this is when the device not included correctly and vera removes it after rebooting, this can happen if something is disturbing including like if you haven’t modify polling or change how reports happen. (controller gits hammered by other devices) or if you very far away from the device or not really close if adding it in secure mode) have you how did you ad it? (tip turn of poling and change power report and wake up on all qubino devices or thy hammer controller and things will be slow and unstable)

Thanks chali,
Sorry for the late reply.
I changed it out for another and I haven’t had any issues at all.

When including I did move the Vera edge nearby. It was taking ages and acting odd. It’s possible it wasn’t adding correctly, but not sure why.

The third or fourth time it happened I couldn’t actually get it to include properly at all.

The new one connected exactly as I’d expected and haven’t had any issue.

I just added by adding new device, searching for model, and following instructions.

I haven’t changed the polling etc. Will look at changing that.

Thanks mate