Problems with camera section


I recently bought two Foscam F8910W and thought that I could view them through iVera

But they don’t show up in the camera section of iVera

I have opened the port on my router with forwarding and I can view the livestream if I go directly to the cameras liveview link: http:///videostream.cgi?user=admin&pwd=geheim&resolution=32&rate=6

But within iVera the camera section is blank

When I try the tip in another thread to try forwarding I get the response: {“status”:“upnp”,“url”:“http://:@:3482/videostream.cgi”}

So then the streaming should work or?

Would be really glad for some help to get the view running in iVera

I use the Foscam plugin and runs UI5 1.5.408


same here
I vera seems not really supported since there as been no update l

Well considering the price of the App I don’t really understand why and why there are no response to request and comments

I vera seems a bit crap ::slight_smile:

I use the app too, and just added two Foscams. Oddly, I manually added the same camera and it shows up in the phone. The device that was automatically added by Vera shows up fine in UI5, but doesn’t show up in the phone.

I haven’t figured out the difference, but will let you know if I do.

I have the same Foscam camera and it works fine for me. Make sure you have the Foscam IP Camera plugin installed first. (MiOS Apps)

Here are my settings:
Settings tab:
URL: /snapshot.cgi
IP address: 192.168.XXX.XXX (where XXX is your camera’s IP address)

Advanced tab:
device_type: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:DigitalSecurityCamera:1
ip: 192.168.XXX.XXX (where XXX is your camera’s IP address)
device_file: D_DigitalSecurityCamera1.xml.lzo
impl_file: I_FoscamPTZ.xml
DirectStreamingURL: /snapshot.cgi
URL: /snapshot.cgi