How feasible would it be to create a Lua plugin that reads an online Google calendar for a particular event, and then enable/disable/trigger a scene based on selective events found in the calendar?
For example, I have an erratic work schedule on a week to week basis. I keep track of the days I work using Google calendar. On days I work I simply have the calendar display “work”.
I envision having Lua access the calendar, check the current day, and if the word "work’ is there, act on it as an event in Vera (such as starting the coffee pot before I get out of bed as a simplistic example).
Any thoughts on the possibilities of implementing something like this, which I see as a potentially wonderful extension to the capabilities of Vera?
John, yes, this should be quite do-able. Lua actually has a full socket library, though it’s probably overkill. We added our own lu_wget, which we could always expand to support POST variables and stuff.
That is very encouraging to hear MCV. It is plugins like that that will really make the Vera box a huge benefit for me.
Though I can hack code a bit in a few languages, I am still quite in the dark and bewildered by Lua, especially as it interfaces with the nuances of the vera box. I am waiting to see some (relatively simplistic) working examples of Lua so I can start to pick them apart and make things work for me. Hopefully some intrepid individual with some Lua skills will pick up on the idea of the calendar interface and play with it a bit.
Thanks again ! And by the way, thanks for ALL the work you guys are doing on and with Vera. It is one of the most useful ‘toys’ I’ve had to play with in quite a while.