Phew, thank you both so much for your patience. I guess we’ll need to keep the other parser.
Yes, please verify the re-auth. I believe the cookie expires in a bit over 24 hours and the re-auth defaults to 24 hours. That may be too close (I thought it was 2 days but I’ll need to verify). You can change the value with ReAuthInterval in the TCC device Variables tab (where you enabled logging). The value is in minutes vs the RefreshInterval which is in seconds, we should probably change them to match but I felt that 86400 was not a number folks would be comfortable with.
So we need to watch make sure the thermostats keep working for long periods. You will see the authentication time updated on the TCC device main dialog page.
Make sure your triggers and other controls work as you expect.
I will work on testing the various functionalities tomorrow. From my initial quick testing, everything looks good. I will keep any eye on the authentication.
I appreciate you thanking me, but really, I need to thank you! You are doing the hard work!
So far everything still seems to be working from the Honeywell perspective.
Is there any chance any of the updated files last night could have some how affected my ping sensors? They are no longer working…?? I am trying to figure out if that is somehow related to the stuff we were doing last night.
I’m curious, do you happen to have System Monitor installed ?
[quote=“lingerba, post:429, topic:185402”]So far everything still seems to be working from the Honeywell perspective.
Is there any chance any of the updated files last night could have some how affected my ping sensors? They are no longer working…?? I am trying to figure out if that is somehow related to the stuff we were doing last night.[/quote]
Yes, It allows us to monitor system resources (memory, luup reload etc). I may have to restore an image and load Mikee’s latest files and try again. I’m reloading luup every 10 minutes now. I’ve reverted back to the very 1st changes (3 revisions back) which showed no issues whatsoever. The good thing is I’ve documented all the results for each test.
Vera can temperamental ! All in all I just don’t want my restarts to be confused with the code releases and I don’t want Mikee wasting time tracking down an issue with Vera. It might also be helpful for us to show what version of firmware we’re running, of course this will differ between a Vera3 and and Edge but it might be helpful…
No, his code shouldn’t cause any issues with ping sensors. However you might want to install System Monitor and keep an eye on your resources and reloads as they can cause an issue.
[quote=“lingerba, post:429, topic:185402”]So far everything still seems to be working from the Honeywell perspective.
Is there any chance any of the updated files last night could have some how affected my ping sensors? They are no longer working…?? I am trying to figure out if that is somehow related to the stuff we were doing last night.[/quote]
Well at least I now know what’s causing my restarts. I’m going to pull this plugin and cleanup all the files related and start from ground up using Mikee’s new files.
50 12/23/15 9:04:37.284 luup_log:245: HNYWL TCC: >> HNY: updateCookieTableFromHeaderString() 'cookieString' [EccMyTcc=(removed); path=/; expires=Thu 24-Dec-2015 15:16:59 GMT, ADRUM_BT=R%3a40%7cclientRequestGUID%3aa8e50860-29b7-4010-9551-eb888b83d3df; expires=Thu 01-Jan-1970 05:00:00 GMT; path=/, ADRUM_BT=R%3a50%7cclientRequestGUID%3a037e9476-29f3-4889-87bb-ddf7df6b410d; expires=Wed 23-Dec-2015 15:05:07 GMT; path=/, ADRUM_BT=R%3a40%7cclientRequestGUID%3aa8e50860-29b7-4010-9551-eb888b83d3df; expires=Thu 01-Jan-1970 05:00:00 GMT; path=/, ADRUM_BT=R%3a40%7cclientRequestGUID%3aa8e50860-29b7-4010-9551-eb888b83d3df; expires=Thu 01-Jan-1970 05:00:00 GMT; path=/, ADRUM_BT=R%3a50%7cclientRequestGUID%3a037e9476-29f3-4889-87bb-ddf7df6b410d; expires=Thu 01-Jan-1970 05:00:00 GMT; path=/, ADRUM_BT=R%3a50%7cclientRequestGUID%3a861704b4-9521-4d76-821a-e52fe542b76e; expires=Wed 23-Dec-2015 15:05:07 GMT; path=/,] << <0x2c62c680>
01 12/23/15 9:04:37.319 LuaInterface::CallFunction_Timer-5 function updateCredentials failed [string "module("L_HoneywellTCC_json", package.seeal..."]:366: Unexpected character at Line 1 character 1: (31) when reading object ({ or [ or ' or " or number or boolean or null expected)
� <0x2c
Sorry, been real busy with holidays/family. I had a nil/host not found response yesterday with the original Mikee files. Just uploaded the most recent lua file and everything connected/refreshed fine. I’ll keep you posted.
I changed a string replace in that code and it looks like that may be causing the issue. Can you set LogHttpEnable=1 and capture a log so I can see the offending json ?
One other thing I don’t like is the plugin services all thermos in a single timer callback. I fear this may cause issues with response times especially for folks with many thermos. I have seen a couple messages in my logs about excessive service times. Are there limits or expected limits on the amount of time a callback can run ?
Also, I reorganized things so I could run lualint to find undefined references. I found one in the status update (swithcPos).
Fix typos in status for switch position and fan status
Remove the check for temperature on each update. Now done at init since it is unlikely you will be changing your vera temp units from C to F more than once.