Plugin: DelayLight

downloaded file
verified its 19239
reloaded luup
force refreshed browser
seems to be working without errors
however in advanced for the service it says version 19233

in which menu should i be seeing deviceless rooms?

OK. So to formulate the complete picture here, make sure you’ve done the following:

  1. J_DelayLightTimer_UI7.js with version 19239 is correct, so all good there.
  2. Make sure you’ve uploaded either the stable or master branch version of D_DelayLight_UI7.json (note “Timer” is not part of this name)–this fixes the issue with the master device having the wrong UI.
  3. Hard-refresh the browsers. The master device should have the correct UI, and version “1.12” with no date code after. The timer UI will have the 19239 date code.

re-downloaded D_DelayLight_UI7.json from stable branch
uploaded to vera

everything seems the same and is working
the service has 1.12 and 19233
child devices show 1.13 and 19239

all seems good

just not sure about you previous post, last question

in which menu should i be seeing deviceless rooms?

On the “on” and “off” list, scenes will be listed. Scenes that are notification only or marked hidden will not be shown, though. So, as long as the scenes in your rooms 19 and 27 aren’t hidden/notification, they should be listed.

totally understand now

yes, i can see the scenes there
i did not realize you could see anything other than devices there

Yes! The on and off list can have scenes, and DelayLight will use them as scenes for on and off as needed, but it will also “look through” the scenes at the controlled devices for the manual mode determination (i.e. if you turn on a scene-controlled device manually, DelayLight will see that as a manual action just as if the device was associated with DelayLight directly).

Thanks again for all of your help and detail! You da real MVP!

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I cant thank you enough for how quickly you turn things around when an issue is found

Thanks for everything

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Oy. Sorry for breaking it. I’ve withdrawn the 1.12 update for the moment, and submitted another for approval, which I’m trying to get expedited.

Just got Home & was able to start looking at the system. I have to Thank You for all the Support & Time you offer up for this product. You make it possible for someone like me with limited time & ability to make this work. Thank You

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Followed everything to fix Ver1.12. Looks like everything is back But? My DelayLight Night time Timers run the same time as my Day time Timers? The only differences from Day to Night are Active Periods?

So you have two DelayLight timers with the same triggers and controlled loads, just different schedules? Are the delays different between them?

Try running this in your “Test Luup Code (Lua)” page and see if it cleans up the behavior:

for k,v in pairs( luup.devices ) do
    if v.device_type == "urn:schemas-toggledbits-com:device:DelayLightTimer:1" then
        luup.variable_set( "urn:toggledbits-com:serviceId:DelayLightTimer", "ApplyScheduleManual", "1", k )

Running Luup Code Fixed the problem. Now the Night Time Timers say Inactive Period.
Looks like everything back to Norm as Norm can be with Vera?

I have a DelayLight Timer at my Elderly Mothers Home. The Night Light timer is from 23:00 to 8:00. The Luup code test did not correct the problem there. It still show Idle?

The upshot is you are relying on the bug that got fixed in this version. I happened to guess that someone would do that, and put in the state variable switch to get the old behavior, but that can’t be supported long-term.

I had asked if the delays are different between your two DelayLightTimers, but you didn’t answer. If that is the case, and the reason you are attempting this configuration, then I will have a better answer for you that needs only one DLT before the “old way switch” goes away.

 is that why you have two DLTs trying to control the same load? Do you have different delays for day and night? If not, can you tell me more about what you’re doing, and why you’re using two DLTs to do it?

Sorry about that I got distracted. Looking at both timers again the Delays are the same but I forgot I am using a Reactor Sensor as a Inhibitor for the Day time Timer.

It would show idle until something tried to trigger it.

OK. Tell me more. I need to know why you determined you needed to use two timers.

Got ya I did not realize that

My goal is. My stairs are some what dark. 30 min before dusk I would like the lights triggered from motion to turn on for 60 sec at 100%. Then after 11:00 pm until 5:30 am the same trigger happens but Lights on at 30%.

Got it. Perfect. OK. I’ll put some thought to that for a future release. For the moment, the state variable switch should give you the old behavior and you’re good to go.