and outside temperature will be in the future?
I don’t understand 2 temperatures options in comfort and economy mode …
Petertn: The two settings is for engaging heating and cooling in the two different modes.
I installed the released app yesterday, and four instances is now running Just fine. I may try the imperihome update later, i just want to see that averything works as it should first.
We might have different ideas about what Comfort vs Economy is. For me, it’s Home vs Away. So think of Comfort as the setpoints that are in effect when you are home, and Economy as the setpoints when you are away.
AVT 1.2 has been released and is pending approval by Vera for the plugin store. See the first post in this thread for release notes.
This release introduces ImperiHome support for local use, which must be done using the ImperiHome ISS API, meaning you add AutoVirtualThermostat as a system in ImperiHome:
[ol][li]From the ImperiHome app, choose My Objects in the menu;[/li]
[li]Click Add a new object;[/li]
[li]Select ImperiHome Standard System;[/li]
[li]Enter the Local API Base URL: [tt]http://your-vera-ip/port_3480/data_request?lr_AutoVirtualThermostat&action=ISS[/tt][/li]
[li]Click Next to connect.[/li][/ol]
Just trying this out, and it looks good, I may switch from SVT.
Am I mis-remembering that an older version (last year?) had a sensor offset variable?
I’d like to use an average over 3 sensors, but one of them is a radiator control valve so always reads a couple degrees high for the room as its right next to the heat source. There’s no offset control on the device itself.
Edit: Hmmm, seems my ‘heat’ devices arent getting the correct kind of “HeatOn” command?
There’s no offset variable. Since multiple sensors are possible, I’ll have to come up with a mechanism of gathering and storing the offsets for each individual device. Stay tuned.
With regard to your heating device, what type of device is it? AVT expects devices that implement the SwitchPower1 service.
[quote=“rigpapa, post:44, topic:198289”]AVT 1.2 has been released and is pending approval by Vera for the plugin store. See the first post in this thread for release notes.
This release introduces ImperiHome support for local use, which must be done using the ImperiHome ISS API, meaning you add AutoVirtualThermostat as a system in ImperiHome:
[ol][li]From the ImperiHome app, choose My Objects in the menu;[/li]
[li]Click Add a new object;[/li]
[li]Select ImperiHome Standard System;[/li]
[li]Enter the Local API Base URL: [tt]http://your-vera-ip/port_3480/data_request?lr_AutoVirtualThermostat&action=ISS[/tt][/li]
[li]Click Next to connect.[/li][/ol][/quote]
Having some trouble today, not sure if related to update
- I use PLEG to manage on and off off Eco mode on a schedule. This morning, the scene would not work at all, had to manually put AVT into Normal mode
- One of my devices shows 62F while the underlying thermostat shows 67.5F and polls just fine. I can’t seem to get this to change at all and system is stuck in IDLE even though set for heat 71
Request this URL from your Vera and send me the output via email or PM (email is available on my profile):
Done. ty
Your “Adjusted Guest Temp” sensor #237 is reading a current temperature of 62 according to its state variables. It is missing a lot of state that normally accompanies the TemperatureSensor1 service and devices in general. What kind of device is this?
On the energy mode scenes, can you check your scenes using the Advanced Editor and see what your scenes are trying to do? I am able to use scenes to change between Comfort and Economy, no problem. The only thing the scene should be doing is sending the SetEnergyModeTarget action with either Normal (for Comfort mode) or “EnergySavingsMode” (for Economy).
Ah… wait. I see you have a second device.
Check this URL. Search for “AutoVirtualThermstat” in the logged entries, and see what it says about your temp sensors.
That is a virtual temp device that is manually updated via pleg to adjust a real temp sensor, however, that is not the AVT with the issue. It is AVT device #352 which is reading 62 as well while its temp device (#354) is showing 69.5
The Pleg scene seems to be ok now, not sure why it wasn’t working before.
[quote=“rigpapa, post:51, topic:198289”]Ah… wait. I see you have a second device.
Check this URL. Search for “AutoVirtualThermstat” in the logged entries, and see what it says about your temp sensors.
Not sure what i am looking for but i don’t see any errors
Everything looks normal, except for one thing. Have you manually edited TempSensors on any device? Or have a PLEG rule or scene that is trying to set it?
I may have done that on the offending device when i first set it up (like SVT) i hadn’t seen your new dropdown feature. That said, this was a while ago and all was working ok until yesterday
OK. Give me a few minutes to get to my desk. I’m going to email you instructions to get a full log.
[quote=“rigpapa, post:46, topic:198289”]There’s no offset variable. Since multiple sensors are possible, I’ll have to come up with a mechanism of gathering and storing the offsets for each individual device. Stay tuned.
With regard to your heating device, what type of device is it? AVT expects devices that implement the SwitchPower1 service.[/quote]
I actually have to switch two devices for heat (SVT allows this, though I can use a scene instead with AVT) They’re an SSR302 and an ASR-ZW.
I think (am not an expert!) both work with a SetModeTarget = HeatOn/Off, rather than SwitchPower
You can also abuse the fan device for your second heating device. No scenes required. Just set the FanOnDelayHeating and FanOffDelayHeating variables to 0 to avoid the default delays associated with fan operation.
OK. I think I’ve tracked down resq93’s issue. For background (so you don’t have to read the relevant parts of this thread), he has one thermostat of two that doesn’t update temperature properly, and won’t launch heating/cooling (that is, it’s dead). It looks like I injected a bug into 1.2 when I added the MinBatteryLevel variable and its related test. This addition was made to allow users with battery-powered sensors to set a minimum level at which the battery is trusted. Version 1.1 assumed all was OK as long as the temperature update was recent (that is, the thermostat is still providing updates, so it’s battery must be good enough).
Fortunately, there’s a simple workaround, which I’ve described in the head message of this thread.
Came home to 13 ?C in the bathroom today… :o
Same issue as Resq93, easily solved by updating to 1.2.1. The happened to 3 of 4 instances, the last one is a powered MS6… All the battery ones died.
Big 'attaboy to Rigpapa for excellent support!