PLEG Example - Detect Door Left Open with Repeated Notifications

Thanks Catman. I’m also new to PLEG and your pointer helped (& it worked). I was following existing documentations and going down the path of using Vera Alerts plug-in (on Vera Edge UI7) but could not get it to work. The plug-in also appears to crashed my Vera Edge few times.

A question: In the Notification UI, when adding a notification per “A Condition is satisfied” and on the line asking “Condition name:”, can I enter a logical expression (like one would do inside PLEG)?


[quote=“Catman, post:60, topic:174490”]If you come out of the editing interface, and then in the device, Notifications in is the green banner at the top.

Does that help?


Awsome, thanx!

[quote=“vpnman1, post:61, topic:174490”]Thanks Catman. I’m also new to PLEG and your pointer helped (& it worked). I was following existing documentations and going down the path of using Vera Alerts plug-in (on Vera Edge UI7) but could not get it to work. The plug-in also appears to crashed my Vera Edge few times.

A question: In the Notification UI, when adding a notification per “A Condition is satisfied” and on the line asking “Condition name:”, can I enter a logical expression (like one would do inside PLEG)?


I really doubt it. I think you need to use the condition names in the PLEG device. But (as a bit of a giveaway) I can’t actually get PLEG to do what I want. I’ve had to use a multiswitch, and I throw the notification from that :frowning:


This is a great example and I have it working for a couple of my doors. However, now I have integrated my Vista alarm system with Vera and I would like to do this for all my doors (10 of them). Is there any way to use arrays or Lua language or such so I don’t have to create separate conditions (DoorLeftOpen and LeftOpenRepeat) and resulting notification separately for each door? Each door is in a separate zone that gets tripped when door opens.

I know this is an old post, but in it you wrote “the attached pictures”. Where are these? Did the new forum screw this up? I really want to get this up and running on my device. Thank you!

Might be on old forum
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