OpenSprinkler PlugIn

First nice job on this plugin, and your trouble shooting examples.
I just installed OSPi 1.8.3, and it looks like I found a few differences from 1.8.2.
On the OS home page I found en : 0, and mm : 0, not en=# and mm=#
When updating the mode I get a 303 status_code not a 200.
I added a few elseif statements to cover the differences in the I_OpenSprinkler1.xml

Thanks again

Really loving this plugin and OpenSprinkler.

One problem I’ve had the OpenSprinkler is not as reliable as I hoped. It’s locked up about every 2-3 weeks on me. It’s pingable 50% of the time, it doesn’t respond via HTTP.

I’m running a daily program that is pretty simple (shown below).

Antone else having reliability issues? Is RefreshStatusSec = 5 too fast?


Total number of programs: 2 (maximum is 62)

Program 1: Wed (Disabled) 
Time: 03:00 - 03:30 , Every 0 hrs 0 mins, 
Run: 2 mins 0 secs.
Sprinkler Front	Sprinkler Back	Sprinkler Mulch	S04
S05	S06	S07	S08

Delete Modify

Program 2: Mon Tue Thur Fri Sat Sun 
Time: 03:00 - 03:30 , Every 0 hrs 0 mins, 
Run: 2 mins 0 secs.
Sprinkler Front	Sprinkler Back	Sprinkler Mulch	S04
S05	S06	S07	S08


I am also having trouble using the plug-in with the OpenSprinkler PI version. The stations are populating but I am getting the following message when trying to set to manual:

OpenSprinkler Interface : Unable to control irrigation controller. General failure

Appreciate your help

May I suggest showing some type of error when this condition (Open Sprinkler unavailable) shown in the this log file entry:

luup_log:50: OpenSprinkler: OpenSprinkler : poll_status from / query FAILED: Status Code: No route to host <0x2d0cb680>

I’m not able to set the OSPi to Manual or Auto. I’m getting this error

Got UNEXPECTED Status Code : 303 <0x2aed5000>

What’s odd is that if I go to the opensprinkler interface and put it in Manual mode it actually lets you turn the sprinklers on and off via Vera (even though it still kicks out this error).

Any ideas?

Just received the OpenSprinkler irrigation controller. It is the fully assembled version with FW 204. System runs fine and is accessible through the GUI with no problem, unitl I install the Vera app. As soon as I enter the IP address of the OpenSprinkler controller, the OpenSprinkler Web interface becomes unavailable and even pressing button (1) on the controller itself to show the IP address is not possible anymore-- the unit pretty much locks up all the way. I am using static IPs and do not have any zones connected. Any tips on which logs I should be looking at?

Thank you,


Put the IP and port as same as: XXX.XXX.X.X:80 and open port for this IP in your router.

Thank you for the suggestion, but that did not make a difference (IP address format). Not sure why you are suggesting to open a port on the router. Shouldn’t both units communicate on the local subnet?



With out this not connect, open the port in your router if is necessary change it.

It connects without port 80 being open. After all, Vera pulls in the correct, customized sprinkler zone names. So the connection is not the issue.

I also have decreased the poll frequency in Vera to make sure the OpenSprinkler controller does not get oberloaded with requests (default 2s; changed to 15s). This also has not made a difference. OpenSprinkler is still locking up within an hour of me installing the Vera plug-in.

I am also curious if anybody here is running the pre-fab OpenSprinkler product with 204 FW and MicasaVerde Vera successfully?


Looks like a defective unit. Uninstalled the Vera plugin and OpenSprinkler is still locking up once a day.


I purchased a pre-fab unit two weeks ago running 2.04 firmware. I had no problems connecting it to my Vera lite. I can control it manually from Vera, but I prefer the Sprinklers app for iphone. Either way, it was nice on Monday to do some maintenance on my sprinklers without the need to run to the controller every few minutes. Hopefully you get a working unit. I love mine.

Anyone have this working successfully?

When I add the plugin it communicates with OSPi and pulls all of the station names properly. Trying to turn on or off a station, or set the controller to manual or automatic always result in a 303 error.

Works fine for me since I installed it. Wish I had some guidance.

Seems like the error may have been on my end after all and that the OpenSprinkler unit may have been operating properly. After taking some readings on my solenoids, I found that I had one (1) with a reading below 8 Ohms (regular reading should be between 20-40). This could indicate a short. After replacing the defective solenoid, everything seemed to work fine.

Thanks to the great customer service at Rayshobby Shop, they replaced the unit before I could run additional tests-- so, either way, I am a happy camper now and all functions are working.

Yah, Ray is pretty awesome!

Agile… what guidance did you need? Hard to figure out?

Agile… what guidance did you need? Hard to figure out? [/quote]

Oh, I just meant it worked :slight_smile: No troubleshooting experience/guidance that I could provide. How often does that happen? :stuck_out_tongue:

Agile… what guidance did you need? Hard to figure out? [/quote]

Oh, I just meant it worked :slight_smile: No troubleshooting experience/guidance that I could provide. How often does that happen? :P[/quote]

Gotcha! And there is a Windows Phone app. THAT happens even less often! :slight_smile:

so, do you do all your programming through MiOS? or use a web interface to set things up?

I’m 100% PLEG now. Over 400+ conditions :slight_smile:

I have a few scenes for some simple stuff and to expose interface to run PLEG actions.