No Cities in Location tab

I’m on FW 283 - I don’t see any cities in the location tab - I pick the timezone and temp format, but there is no list for cities. I assume this is why my “sunset” event isn’t working?

Does anyone else have the list of cities on their page?


OK - that is freaky - I just went back to the location tab and there was the list - I’m assuming vera is doing an AJAX call back to the server to get the list?

Perhaps having a “loading cities…” indicator would help? I think the problem is that I didn’t stay on the page long enough for the list to build.


I was messing around with the resetting of my box yesterday.

You are not crazy. The cities were not available after a clearing of my browser cache, or a power cycle. Not sure which one it was.

VeraInAustin, what browser are you using? We’re fighting cache issues with IE7.


Guess it makes sense now…
