new user vera plus

Hi everyone. I’m new to using veraplus and I’m pretty lost. I have 2 movement sensors of the narca Neocolcam and I have them integrated but I don’t know what I have to do to show me the state in which they are (movement or no movement). When adding them to the controller, other devices appear (motion, temperature, light, etc., but they do not show any data)
what am I doing wrong?
Thank you so much

In the Vera web GUI the motion sensor icons are either red for tripped or grey for not tripped.

You can also look at the tripped variable under Advanced → Variables looked for the one called “Tripped” and click Edit.

0 = Not Tripped
1 = Tripped


There is also an “ArmedTripped” variable.

What is " narca" ?

There was an old thread here about NeoCoolCam Z-Wave motion sensors, with lots of useful information.

Or search the forum here.