Nest Opens API for Thermostat

Yes, highly doubtful given the statement below. I see that people are rallying (Nest community) for replaceable sensors or an option to provide a trade-in program…

“About two weeks before it expires, Nest Protect will light up with a yellow light. Wave at Nest Protect and it will say, ?Nest Protect has expired. Replace it now.? Buy a new alarm and recycle the expired one. Make sure you test your new Nest Protect once it?s installed.”

[quote=“watou, post:13, topic:177102”]I expect and hope that the official Nest API will support this neat new device, the Nest Protect:

I will integrate this device into the Nest plugin if it’s at all possible.


Seeing how their whole API is structured around the building (high-level “structure” object, “devices” belong to “structures”, etc), I certainly hope they’d be part of the same data structure! The API is pretty comprehensive right now, I think it’s extremely likely they’re going to stick to it for both devices.