Why don’t you just use a virtual switch with a scene which stays on for e. G. 2 min and then it flips the switch to off?
That’s a good idea. I may try that if configuring the sensor parameters is not an option. i’d like to avoid installing additional plugins if possible.
Hi, what is the relay for?
My setup is a little different. I have a z-wave door/window sensor that has two terminals inside the sensor that I hooked up a left over door contact from my alarm system. I set the door/window sensor on top of my doorbell chime box and put the contact on top of the coil inside the doorbell chime box. When the doorbell button is pushed the coil’s magnetic field closes the contact. I set a Notification to send me a text. I installed the VeraAlerts app and set it to email me a picture when the doorbell is pushed.