Merten CONNECT compatibility

I have got a Merten push button (battery operated) It is included as a generic input output device, but nothing happens when I push it.
Is there anyone else who have any experience with devices from Merten (I have got some other devices as well, but have not tried to connect them yet).
The link to the manual : [url=][/url]

As soon as we release the next firmware there’s a generic configuration to associate binary sensors. This may make it work. If it doesn’t I’ll need to dig under the hood. So, after the next firmware is out in a day or 2, if it doesn’t work, when you have a few minutes to let me look into it, can you go to ‘support’ on and send me an Instant Message, or call?

Is there anything similar available in the US?

Will do

I just released .404 (see official announcements). Let me know if it works.

Is there anything similar available in the US?

The Cooper RFKGT.

This is the capablities of the Merten device:

Update, I have managed to include the Merten switch with Vera, everything looks nice on the Vera side, but nothing happens when i try to switch. The LED is red when pushed, witch according to the manual means that no device is associated to it, not even Vera. The capabilities from the switch has changed from the erlier posting, now it is :

The maufacturer is now correct

Any news on the Merten issue?

Any news on the Merten battery powered push-button?

I’m sitting here with 12 of them and a girlfriend who paid for half… :-[

Same problem for me. I should have read this thread before buying either Vera or the Merten thing. >:(

Is there any workaround?


You can proberly connect it all to Veras net, and then associate it directly dimmer to push-button.

It can be done with Düwi.

But I don’t like that solution. I want Vera to control my setup.


thx, Morten.

That is what I also tried. I see the push button in Vera but I’m not able to associate any device with it. Either in Vera nor directly.

Regards, Jochen

Thx all, it seems I joined the club

I have a similar problem with de dual radio button from Merten. I should have read this forum before I bought it. Regrets come always too late. :-[
I upgraded the VERA now to BETA 1.0. 899 but have still the same behavior. I opened a ticket at the support. I’m waiting for answer and keep you updated.


Hi Pieter,
do you have other devices from Merten and/or Popp/duewi? Do they work with the new release?

We have a Danish list of tested EU devices here

In “Testet med” (tested with):

MiCasaVerde Vera virker ikke. = Dosn’t work

MiCasaVerde Vera virker. = Work

Most of them is tested with Pre LUUP firmware.


Thank you for the translation and the site, mhn.

The most important thing to me is that the window covering devices work in the new release because I have 14 of them. With the first public beta four weeks ago MCV had a bug supporting these kind of devices.


I run release 1.0.899
The Merten receivers integrate very easy. It concerns models
They all work. The only thing I did not test yet is the dim function of the 507900

Only one button of the battery powered radio button (4 buttons) 506244 works. Initially it was not functioning at all, but when pushing during the peering process (add a controller) quickly the 0 button and then the 1 button , the 0 button works now and can trigger a scene. Any other suggestions to have also the other buttons working are welcom?


The 1-gang Merten push buttons seem to work with firmware 1.0.900. Use method #2 ( for inclusion. The lower button has scene no. 0, the upper button has scene no. 255.

Please update


Is this the new release?

Firmware 1.0.900 corrects a problem with dongle backup/restore (