Log-in FOR EVER!

I am sick of having to log in EVERY time I access vera on my iPhone even though I check the box for it to remember every time

haha, i agree :slight_smile:

hmmm don’t have that problem with my crackberry…

Loose that phone and somone can get into your home if you have a Zwave lock.
I would keep the lock on!

ya but by the time you found the address (since I don’t have a home phone) and got to my house I will (hopefully) have logged in through the computer and disbled that user or disabled the lock

[quote=“zmistro, post:4, topic:164635”]Loose that phone and somone can get into your home if you have a Zwave lock.
I would keep the lock on![/quote]

Yeah, no way anyone gets in with that Schlage lock in place. The only thing locks actually do is keep out casual intruders from you home (provided you live in a house with windows). If someone wants in they will get in, no need to take lock security so seriously.

can we open a ticket for this MCV?

Can we please get this simple problem fixed?

As a computer tech, I can’t help thinking this is a cookies-related issue on the iPhone side. Yet I’m unfamiliar with the iPhone, so I must ask:

“Could your iPhone be deleting the FindVera.com cookie(s) which enable your username/password to be remembered between sessions?”

Just thinking out loud.

possibly, but I checked and I have it set to accept cookies from visited sites

Have you tried the new findvera.com/mobile with the Luup version? We re-wrote the cookie handling.

I can confirm this now works under 862 (on my iphone using the “smartphone interface”)… thanks MCV

The first time I tried the new site it said invalid username/password. The second time (and every other time since i have the password saved) it said ERROR. I was trying the smartphone interface

NOLOS, since you mention you’re using the “new site”, I assume you mean:

Have you also gone into Vera and installed the requisite Luup plug-in mentioned in Step 3 of:

Scratch that. The new version isn’t installed yet…and I see LibraSun just explained that. Thanks for the quick response :slight_smile:

It works. Font is a little small and I can’t set the temp on my WD Thermostat but I do like the looks better…oh, ya. and it remembers me!

I noticed the lack of a temperature setting field… at least a pair of [-] and [+] buttons would be useful there, if input of two digits proved problematic.

I predict one day this will be improved!