InTouch CA5000

Is anyone using an InTouch CA5000? Vera detects it well enough and seems to want to help in overriding it and controlling it but I cannot get it to respond beyond the scene setup steps.

In either case, is anyone using a multi-button, single-gang, in-wall controller that they like?

The datasheet for the CA5000 says:
Note: Designed to work only in the presence of InTouch™ Server (CA5500B or other).
Intermatic designed it this way to get around patent issues.

The Leviton Vizia RF+ 4 scene controller model VRCS4 works fine with Vera, plus I think it’s a lot better looking than the CA5000 IHMO.

Thanks, I will have to check out the Vizia model. I just liked that the CA5000 had 6 buttons. But now I’m just being greedy :slight_smile:

mcoulter, would you mind opening the back door to let me look at the CA5000? I bet we can get it to work despite what Intermatic says. If so, ping us on the support chat.

Sorry for my “newb-ness” but when you say " ping us on the support chat" do you mean submit a problem through the Advanced → Tech Support webform?

I meant go to, click support, and there’s an instant chat that takes to a developer if one is in the office.

Ahh, I never scrolled down and noticed that before. Thanks.


I have the original Vizia (non+) 4 Scene Controller and it doesn’t seem to work from the Vera interface. Not to be funny, but could you explain what “works fine” means? Does that mean it works fine as a controller on the wall and inside the Vera Interface?

Could you tell me how your network is set up?

My Primary Controller is the Vizia (Probably the Culprit) with Vera being the secondary controller. I would like to be able to copy scenes from the Vizia and vice versa.

Also, do you get the popcorn affect (where lights are switched one at a time until the scene completes) when activating scenes in general. I do when doing it from the Vera, but when using the Vizia they all switch at the same time.


[quote=“jgc94131, post:2, topic:164327”]The datasheet for the CA5000 says:
Note: Designed to work only in the presence of InTouch™ Server (CA5500B or other).
Intermatic designed it this way to get around patent issues.

The Leviton Vizia RF+ 4 scene controller model VRCS4 works fine with Vera, plus I think it’s a lot better looking than the CA5000 IHMO.[/quote]

I have several Vizia RF (non +) as well as RF+ devices, but not the 4-button scene controller - sorry, can’t help here. But I do have 4-button zone controller and have to program it with Vizia remote controller for it to work properly.

So, my question - has anyone tried shifting the primary role from Leviton Vizia remote controller to Vera? What is the procedure? I was able to copy the network setup from Vizia to Vera, but not to shift the role…

Here’s my setup. I’ve got a vizia rf+ handheld remote as primary, vera as secondary. The vizia 4 scene controller I have is not a + model. I called vera tech support (a great experience BTW) and they walked me through the setting up the scenes on the 4 scene controller using method 2 (see: [url=][/url]).

With method 2, I do see some delay and skew as the scene executes. I’ve not experimented with moving to method 1 though, but my understanding is that it method 1 should produce the same result as if you programed the scene controller directly without vera, thus eliminating the delay and skew, but method 1 offers less flexibility in terms of programability of those scenes with vera.

In preparation for adding the Schlage lock to my network, I migrated my Zwave network to Vera as the primary controller. Before I had the Leviton Vizia Master Controller and that was the master. I sent that back from a firmware upgrade and that will become a secondary when it returns. Generally most everything works great, but I’m a little disappointed so far in how Vera interacts with my RZCS4 4 scene controller.

I’ve tried Method 2 scene addition and I do not like the delay or skew “popcorn” effect of the lights being operated within a scene. I thought I would prefer the traditional method 1 way since the wiki implies it would program it like the OEM controller. I also understand that its limited to lights and I must add the controller every time.

However, after trying Method 1, I’m still seeing the delay and skew. When I had my Leviton (as the master) program scenes they activated very fast and concurrently. It was actually very Nice. The initial delay with Vera (method 1 or 2) is very annoying, but this is after using the leviton programmed scenes and experiencing how fast they are. So my question is

  1. Am I doing something wrong in applying Method 1? Should I be experiencing delay and skew or should it work like if the Leviton Master Controller programed it.


  1. If I add the Leviton controller in as a secondary remote, can I program scenes with that remote in to the RZCS4 to achieve the same delay and skew free results as if the Liviton was the master controller.

I don’t believe Leviton controller can program associations if it’s not the master.

Can you please provide more details on what kind of firmware upgrade you are getting for the Leviton remote controller? What new features or fixes? I’m interested as I too have Leviton remote controller. Thanks.

Ok, So I got my Leviton Controller back with the new firmware, and the sccreen saver does say Vizia RF+.

I don’t know exactly what the new firmware provides, I just used the opportunity to send it back for an upgrade while it was sitting idle.

From what I understand, the master Programmer Remote Hardware is exactly the same from the Vizia RF to the Vizia RF+. So what ever that + denotes is the difference in the software. I believe the main change is new types of “green” behavior such as more intelligent dimming and restricters and rules to curb energy usage. Not important to me as I believe Vera is a much better way to “green” up your light usage

What I was hoping to get was the new DST rules and hopefully some better power management. This thing sucks power.

Anyway, even though my Leviton controller is not on the supported list, I’m getting positive results so far. It was able to join as a secondary controller and all devices and names moved over fine. Just make sure you have no Red Cogs or it will hang and possibly fail. Also, keep your device names to 14 or 15 characters so it fits on the Vizia display without the tilda. I was able to get away with some 15 character names, but not others, so I stuck with 14 characters.

I have not tested scenes or see if they transfer. I’m guessing they have to be programed by letting Vera assign button to the Vera, but maybe I can program them on my own within the Vizia remote.

So here is the good news, I was able to create a quick scene by setting associations from the Leviton as secondary controller to my Leviton 4 scene wall switch with two devices. I then set the scene and was able to activate the scene with NO popcorn effect! granted this was only with two devices but the speed at which it happened was exactly as fast as when the Leviton was the master. I’ll add all of my scenes soon to confirm that there is no Popcorn Effect though as number of devices go up.

A couple problem so far, The Vera is transferring a dead node over to the controller. It was a dimmer that was getting a red cog. I reset the dimmer physically and removed it from the device list. Then I reset the Leviton controller and rejoined as secondary to Vera. It was still there on the remote, but not on the Vera interface. Also tried to reset the Z-wave Chip. no luck. I did a heal last night and will try to readd it tonight. to see if the dead node shows up. It also appears that my Leviton controller is appearing as a dead node between resets and adds to the Vera as a secondary, but it looks like I can easily remove them as dead nodes.

Not to change the subject back to the subject, but did anyone figure out if the CA5000 works with Vera?

Huh? Instant chat in support page? Never saw it, can’t find it now ???

It’s disabled now. Sorry.

Anyone know if the CA5000 is now working with Vera ??? I am interested in getting one, but only if it’s been found to work with Vera as the primary controller.


I purchased an Intermatic, 6 scene CA5000 controller and have it installed.

I’ve been successful at getting the Vera box to recognize it as a controller, however, scenes do NOT seem to work.

Anyone have any insight on this device? I really like the fact that it has 6 scenes and is in-wall, not to mention I got a good deal on it.

Would appreciate some help.



…Currently working with MicasaVerde support to get this device working in my environment.

Anyone have success using this device at this time that could offer some direction?

So far, we’ve successfully gotten Vera to recognize the device, but the scenes aren’t currently working. :cry:

BUMP - Anyone ever get this device to work? I’m close to pulling the unit out of the wall and attempting to sell it on ebay.