I have installed and I am using an Intermatic CA3750 Z-Wave heavy duty circuit controller.
[url=http://www.intermatic.com/images/catalog/pages/074.pdf]http://www.intermatic.com/images/catalog/pages/074.pdf[/url] ← Warning, this links directly to a PDF file.
I have set it to use SPST mode (two independent switches) at 120volts. This theoretically means I should be able to turn each circuit on/off independently.
The first circuit is detected and controlled by Vera perfectly. The 2nd circuit is not detected/controlled by Vera. It stays in the off position regardless whether circuit one is on or off. Intermatic mentions that only one of their Z-Wave controllers is capable of controlling the CA3750 fully. So they appear to be doing something a little non-standard within Z-Wave.
As for feedback for the Intermatic CA3750 switch itself. It is nicely built and easy enough to wire if you are comfortable with electrical circuits. (It you don’t know the difference between a hot and neutral line then get an electrician to put it in.) The only bizarre thing is there is only one button for manually controlling the circuits. So you can not manually turn on/off only one circuit. It is an all or nothing switch. Which means you have to use Z-Wave for full functionality.
I think this controller module could be very popular with folks that have pools and/or electric water heaters that they would like to control with Vera. Those two items are huge power draws, so being able to control them could have a very nice energy savings payback for users.
I am very happy that the one circuit is working with Vera - it is letting me control a circuit that used to be controlled by a pain-to-program electronic Intermatic circuit timer.
I would be very happy if Vera could control the 2nd circuit as I have another circuit that I would also like to control with Vera. If you need someone to test updates made to use this switch to it’s fullest, I am happy to test for you.
zounder1, would you mind letting me have a look through the backdoor? If so, can you ping me on instant messenger (micasaverde.com, support)? WE do support the multi-instance class, and, if it reported itself as 2 end points embedded in 1 device (like the 3-in-1 sensor) you should see 2 separate on/off switches for each of the circuits. But i think it’s probably doing something non-standard so we’ll need to add a specific work around for it.
Were you able to get anywhere with this? I am running CA3750’s on two Vera’s right now to run pool equipment at two houses so this will greatly enhance the solution I have so far.
MCV, can you describe the function of each switch picked up? I am showing 3 switches when the device is set to 2xSPST. Is the other one supposed to be for the 1xDPST mode?
After more testing it appears that the first two switches both control circuit 1 and the third switch is circuit2. can they independently have the feature to be hidden so we can show only two of the switches on the dashboard to make it less confusing?
Other than that, thanks bunches for making this work, it adds a great deal of value to the CA3750.
So happy that all of this is working however, can we hide the first switch (master?) and still display the second two switches? When I hide the first switch yet do not check to hide the other two (the only ones I should be displaying) they will not show up. But I it is the first recognized switch that I need to hide in this application.
Where are you trying to install this? The CA3750 module is a relay device which requires a neutral. Electrical wiring is always interesting as to what you might find. Green is normally used for ground - Red is a traveller wire. Do you have a meter or GreenLee pen to check for line and load 8)
yes, i have meter to check the load and line. i dont have problem to identify the cable my only problem is where i connect them. this box come with 6 numbers in which to connect the cables. i want to know where to connect the cable who comes from the breaker and the one who goes to the water heater. i try to follow the owner manual but i dont understanded very well. i know that 3,4,5,6 are line, load,line,load. 1 and 2 i think is neutral/line. do i have to connect the black who comes to the breaker in what number and the white in what number, the black who goes to the water heater in what number and the white in what number. (i know in my past blog i said red wire, sorry my mistake, it is white cable)
Because we are talking about 220v i want to b very sure about this. about the neutral cable, can i transport one from another area to the relay?
i alredy have this system working very good. one question, when i included the CA to the vera it show two more switch in addition to the appliance module. is any way that i can erase that,or this is normal.
The manual that comes with the intermatic CA3750 is terribley confusing. My electrician couldn’t even make it work. Either box is bad or instructions are bad. Does anyone have a simple even color coded diagram that I could use to wire this unit. I am going from beaker (240) to a hot water heater (240) as well. There are six terminals and just need to see exactly where jumpers go, load goes, and breaker to actually test to see if the unit is good or bad. Any help much appreciated !
I have not yet installed mine yet, but this is how i see it. Going to the water heater you have line 1, line 2, and ground. Terminals 1 and 2 are power for the device electronics. Set the jumper on the back to 240. Terminals 3/4 are one switch contact. Terminals 5/6 are the other switch contact.
The input line will power the switch and that power will be sent on to the water heater through the switch contacts.
Connect input line 1 to terminals 2 and 5. Connect input line 2 to terminals 1 and 3. Connect the water heater line 1 to terminal 6. Connect water heater line 2 to terminal 4. Essentially, this description is the same as the upper left diagram on page 2 of the manual. Just assume the word “Neutral” is not on the diagram to eliminate confusion, since there is no neutral in a normal water heater installation.
Ground will just be connected through the box to the water heater. I do not believe that the contactor has a ground connection.
Use the upper left diagram in the insruction sheet. One 240v lead to 1 & 3, the other to 2 & 5. Water heater across 4 and 6. Be sure jumper on back of module is set for 240v.
Thought I would add a diagram for this topic just in case somebody is using the search like me to try and find a wiring diagram for the CA3750 (this is for a 240 v load) Pool pump in my case. Adding diagram for running the Controller on 110v but controlling a 240v load via the 2 relays.
Firebird - I had the exact scenario you had in your first drawing, after 2 hours of trying things out and thinking I understood what wiring configuration to use you solution worked perfectly. Thanks!
After hooking it up to my vera3, I see 3 new devices in there: