If door is opened for 5 minutes...turn off air

No, it takes care of itself. If both doors are open, the group is true. If either door is open, the group is true. If both doors are closed, then and only then can the group go false.

Might look something like this:

  • Root group - AND or NUL operator
    • Group “Any Door Open” – OR operator
      • Device state, door #1 open (e.g. door sensor device Tripped variable is TRUE)
      • Device state, door #2 open
    • Group “AC Control” – AND operator
      • Group state condition, current ReactorSensor, group “Any Door Open” + options “sustained for” 30 seconds and “delay reset” 30 seconds (set the delays to your sensibilities–these are examples).


  • “AC Control is TRUE” - device action to turn off the AC unit
  • “AC Control is FALSE” - device action to turn on the AC unit

The use of the “sustained for” delay on the group state condition allows a door to opened briefly without turning off the AC (just passing through). Likewise, the use of “delay reset” means the doors have to stay closed to allow the AC to be turned back on. This dampens the switching action a little and prevents banging your AC on and off in time with the swing of the door (which may short-cycle compressors, etc).

You may need to use the variable/expression tricks in this video to save and restore the operating mode of the AC unit if you are doing it by controlling a multi-mode thermostat. But if it’s a simple on/off control or a thermostat only switching between OFF and COOL then you don’t need to do that, just set the state/mode of the AC control directly.

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Thanks for the help. Saw your video and I am using it to set this up. Don’t want to make a mistake as it’s in a vacation rental that is 300 miles away and booked for the rest of the summer. I am treading very carefully.
Excellent video by the way. Thanks for posting.

Trying to follow the video to set LastState before AC shuts down. Cannot find SetVariable as an option when trying to get the thermostats current state. Chose the reactor Sensor but SetVariable is not an option. Using Reactor 3.2
Did something change or am I doing it wrong?

SetVariable is an action on the ReactorSensor, not the thermostat.

OK. I chose the Reactor device, not the name of the reactor device (which is named DoorSensor).
Thanks for the help.