Hunter Douglas PowerView control with Vera and Amazon Echo

This info will help Gen2 users I think, with Gen1 it is possible to set the Hunter Douglas hub to a fixed ip, I find it strange that the Gen2 hub cannot be set fixed.

Let me clarify the no static IP comment - the HD app does not have a function to make it a static IP when using the wifi connection. It does when you are using the cabled connection. I don’t know if you can work it from the other direction, ie having your router make a static IP address for the HD hub.

My hub is now hard wired, with a static IP assigned via the HD app and has been working very nicely. I rebooted the router just to check. The router reassigned all my IP addresses (and wrecked havoc with a wifi printer) except the HD Hub, which remained the same.

I believe the new hub/repeater resolved some of my issues with the HD system (so far).

BTW, I was remiss in not acknowledging Mike Q for the original posting of how to access the HD system via LUA code. Thanks Mike! If you had not done the work to discover this method, I would have been forced to rely on the rudimentary controls offered by the HD App.

Mine is also wired, which allows me to set a static ip 8)
Seems to have been reset after a automatic firmware update :frowning:

Wulften - Automatic firmware update??? The HD Gen2 hub does this? I’m away from home and have no way to determine this I think. If it has done this then all my Vera scenes will not be working. That stinks! I think I better activate my HD automations.

Has anyone figured out the http command to stop a shade?

Activating an HD scene works fine, but it would be nice to have the ability to stop a shade instantly.

I’d add it to my Imperihome page for my shades.

Found this on the web

Explains some of the commands for the hub (like how to calibrate a shade).

What I can’t figure out, in my programming ignorance, is how to structure a LUUP command to get Vera to send to the shade the command to calibrate, or anything else other than what Mike Q has provided us.

This would allow me to re-calibrate my shades remotely (while I’m not on my local network). The calibration command via the PV App is my stop-gap command to restore shades to working order. Not sure why they keep losing this information, but it happens all too frequently and they don’t come back without the 10sec press of the button on each shade or doing the re calibration via the app. That does not work while I’m away from home.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi, i own a veraplus and also hubitat.

I am trying to get the v2 hub to work with hubitat but with no success. The hubitat community says it doesn’t work with v2.

Is the v2 hub definitely working with vera?

I reserved the IP address for the powerview hub.

Can someone help me out asap as I am at a client now?

If I goto a browser for the scene to close the drapes, i typed this but the drapes do not close.

Does it matter that the sceneid is all in lowercase? I read somewhere that sceneId needs to have the uppercase “I” in it?


Here is the log for this scene from hubitat:

dev:242019-09-20 01:41:22.458 pm debugCMD off()
dev:242019-09-20 01:41:21.848 pm warnparse() not implemented! Got: ‘mac:CCC079264752, ip:c0a8012d, port:50, headers:SFRUUC8xLjEgMjAwIE9LDQpYLVBvd2VyZWQtQnk6IEV4cHJlc3MNCkNvbnRlbnQtVHlwZTogYXBwbGljYXRpb24vanNvbjsgY2hhcnNldD11dGYtOA0KQ29udGVudC1MZW5ndGg6IDQyOA0KRGF0ZTogRnJpLCAyMCBTZXAgMjAxOSAxNzo0MToyMCBHTVQNCkNvbm5lY3Rpb246IGtlZXAtYWxpdmUNCg==, body: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’
dev:242019-09-20 01:41:21.712 pm debugsendRequest: GET
dev:242019-09-20 01:41:21.709 pm infoHost for sendRequest: ${host}
dev:242019-09-20 01:41:21.707 pm debugCMD push(1283)
dev:242019-09-20 01:41:21.703 pm debugCMD on()
dev:242019-09-20 01:32:43.450 pm debugCMD off()
dev:242019-09-20 01:32:41.793 pm debugCMD off()
dev:242019-09-20 01:26:31.170 pm debugcalled setHubInfo() - hubMAC=null hubIP= hubPort=80 pvSceneId=1283
dev:242019-09-20 01:26:31.151 pm infoCMD installed()
— Loading Past Logs… —

Finally got a solution here: Doing a PUT command in LUA? - Scene Scripting - Ezlo Community