How do you change sensor's category

Does anyone know how to change sensors category? I’m trying to put all the devices from the Google weather plugin in one place.

Do you mean the Room they are assigned to ?
Change the Room of the Google Weather, the rest will follow.

No, not the room. In ivera on my iphone i can only see three out of five and if i go to UI5 the two i can’t see in ivera are not in the “sensor” category

Sorry … I am not sure I can help … I am UI4 and Android limited …
The categories are typically implied by the device type … these can not be changed with out doing some programming … In the case of the Google Plugin it creates/leverages existing device types to display temperature, and humidity. I assume the 3 you see are the temperature sensors. I also assume you are missing the “Weather condition” and the Humidity. This former is not a standard device type … so iVera probably does not know what to do with it. And if I am correct on the latter then they do not display Humidity sensors either.