Guide: Install & program dry/isolated contact relay switch garage door opener

[quote=“phatfield66, post:20, topic:181028”]Hi all,

Old thread but I am looking to automate my GDO using the relay method and a Z-wave appliance module and was curious about the safety comments mentioned in the replies. My opener has a photo sensor safety beam already installed. Is there anything about this set-up that inherently over-rides this safety feature?

Just making sure that I understand the risks involved.

Thanks for the great discussion!


Nope. All this is doing is simulating you pressing the button on the wall. So If your garage door has sensors (which all should have) and you press the wall button and they work so will this.

Problem is that those sensors have a small beam not even directly under the door it’s offset a few inches inside. It’s also very low and can pass right under my truck assuming the wheels/tires not in beam path.

Some people are very paranoid that a taller truck parked right in the middle of the door, a kid standing directly under the door (not inside blocking the beam) can still get hit can cause injury or damage to door or item. If you physically push the button you see the door and know whats going on. People get to trigger happy or have auto closing setup with z-wave and you never really know whats going on.

I personally have 3 garage doors and a driveway gate all set to auto-close so I’m not an over paranoid person, but many would never do such a thing. Hope this helps you make your own determination.