Free graphs for your temp/power sensors

Another question for clarification please.

I have the HG Timer in startup lua for 600. I know as everyone does vera luup engine reloads more than it ever should. Does luup reload not cause the HG Timer to restart?

I ask because after 22 hours my graphs didn’t update until I did a vera reboot and then it all kicked in.

If startup lua doesn’t run until a reboot then we’ll have to build something around it otherwise logging will be constantly missed.

What’s your opinion?

yeah, that’s bugging me too.
Lua doesn’t have any useable interval function. So the only way to make it updating is to call delay function from HGTimer function which will call HGTimer again after the delay. If for any reason delay is screwed up HGTimer will not be called again until lua startup or reboot or user manually run in Lua test window

monitcode = require("Moniton") monitcode.HGTimer(600)

Like Uroboros and sometimes Uroboros has missed its own tail.

I am not sure what would be the best way to go around that, fow now I think I can do push notifications in a browser to let user know feeds are stalled.

Also, I have just updated Moniton.lua, made it a bit more robust, you can try that one

There is something wrong with time - I can’t find possibility to set timezone (so I see temp from real 11PM as 3PM) and time format (lack of european 24h), can it be grabbed from Vera settings?

Time in reports is stored in UTC so what you are looking at is supposed to be your local time zone converted by your browser accordingly to your settings. There is simply no time zone there

Of course what could go wrong will always go wrong. Can you tell me exactly what you see and what you expect to see and on what graph/feed

Hi ipstas,

In both mobile and browser view, can you allow us or change the max/min values on the y-axis? For example, it’s difficult to see individual variable results on the graphs. While I know I can look at the feeds the graph itself is too scrunched.

Perhaps also allowing us or pre-set options to change the time range from 24 hours to 12 hour view. That would also prevent the graphs from being squished.

Hi ipstas, I noticed that after using the 3.24.2019 lua version you posted that when full screen or un-maximized in Chrome, the values of the graphs are on top of the options on the right side.


Can you post a pic? I am not sure

I’m unable to. I have been trying to upload a png to show you but something might not be right with the new site for me, it stays at 0% and never uploads. I’ll come back to you when its sorted.

@tomtcom Now you can scale the time period on a graph up/down

Looks good. I’ll play with it and write back. Thank you for this!

@ipstas Hello,

Thanks again for the options. Always appreciated.

  1. I noticed that sometimes the left and right buttons will cause the graphs to be blank.
  2. If you hit the buttons either +/- or left/right to quickly they will no longer respond.
  3. the box that has 0 in between +/- always stays as 0. Maybe a scale indicator like 1x, 2x, or -1x or something to denote what you want.
  4. Upon refresh of the page none of the values you chose remain. I would like the settings to be pinned or saved for the constant view you always want.

Also, the graphs are back to overwriting the buttons on the right even if maximized.
Thank you!

Finally it uploaded the pic. I think Greenshot’s naming convention was too long of a file name.

@tomtcom Quick fix for empty graphs when out of limits of loaded data. The rest is a bit more complicated, will come later

Mobile chrome browser screenshot. Some odd overlaps on the left and right.

Also had to shorten the variable name to not be cut off on the right.

yes, mobile is not yet optimized that much. That overlapping should not happen

Ok no problem. Can you tell me in the pic above that has 8 in the +/- box for the time range. What do the numbers represent?

That’s number of readings currently on the graph. Default is 50 and this is why it looks so dense on mobile, the desktop version is OK with 50.
So the next version should have different # for mobile/desktop, also it should allow you to slide beyond 1 last day and automatically load more readings from the backend as you are sliding. Currently the Day graph is limited to past day and 50 readings.
But it is going to be a major update, will not happen too soon

@ipstas in the pic I see that the variable list of the temperature graph is in the opposite order of where the data points and color are.

Not sure how to ask this but could the variable names coincide or be near their associated data points? I know the values could spike so maybe dynamic placement of the variable names.

Do you mean the Y axis on the left and the var names on the right? And you would like to have names placed where the right end of the line associated with that var?
Did I get it correctly?

Supposedly you have a temp graph like this:

It is would be hard to place all these names and not have them interlapped

btw, that service much easier than to do a printscreen

So in that image you can see that some dots and variable names don’t match just like how I was explaining.

My opinion is to tag the last data point with the variable it is and the order.

So if that can’t really be done I’ll deal with it.

I’ll check on graffiti.thanks.