Free graphs for your temp/power sensors

Done! Any update on when the new version is in the mios app store?


The plugin was submitted to mios system, still pending review. If you want it faster, I can added you to Beta program, in that case you don’t have to wait for review, but you would risk non working plugin. Actually just the same if you would install it from AltApp store


Can you comment on 2 items, the first is from a few posts above.

Also with the plugin i can’t seem to use the data coming from the system monitor plugin. They don’t show up in the devices list. With the LUA file no problem in using this serviceid.

Second comment

With the plugin how will custom entries like formulas in the Lua file for math on values be accounted for?

Please add me to the Beta program. I will be installing it first on my test unit anyway :slight_smile:

@tomtcom, I am lost, what is the 1st item?

The other questions:
Plugin looks for specific service ids, for now it is
["HG"] = "urn:hundredgraphs-com:serviceId:HundredGraphs1", ["PM"] = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:EnergyMetering1", ["SES"] = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:SecuritySensor1", ["HUM"] = "urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HumiditySensor1", ["TMP"] = "urn:upnp-org:serviceId:TemperatureSensor1"
I can add more to the list, but keep in mind, the HundredGraphs service is supposedly about Energy Monitoring, not just Anything Monitoring. So thermostat is definitely in, outside temperature too, but Vera system variables is not about energy.

So having said that, we still can provide monitoring and graphs for non energy purpose, however that has to be for a price. So our current idea is something like 1 node, any number of devices on a node, 2 month data retention - free; 1 node, any number of devices, but up to 6 month retention - $4, same but 1 year retention - $7. We are really underestimated both demand and how many things people would like to monitor :wink: . Our current DB service simply is not sufficient even now and we are getting popularity. It still works but we have to upgrade soon.

Enough about financial stuff (who really wants to do it when you can play, huh).
Plugin and customized scripts, like tempDiff, other calculate functions. As for now, plugin do not support it, but should be in the future. However until that you need to run lua file, it is just can’t report device IDs and therefore you can’t have Energy Dashboard when it is finally out. You can have both plugin and lua running at the same time, but they have to be on separate nodes.
ServiceID that’s not in the list - just give me them and I will include it. Later we will have an input where you can add it yourself

Sorry, missed your question.

It could be 2 things,
1st, it might be not reporting numerical values, in that case you need to have a calculate function to translate nonnumerical to numerical;
2nd, if reporting interval is long enough, it might not catch it. The lua file doesn’t go for history, it just requests the current state of the serviceVar at the time of the report. Current SmartThings plugin, for example, gets the whole history, but Vera plugin is not there yet. We hope to add that feature in the future, probably in a month or two.

Thanks, I got my answers. I have had Vera for I think 5 years and aside from the thermostat I got as a bundled package back when CompUSA had actual stores, I still only have one device that reports wattage.

I think if energy is key then irrigation might be a route to consider as well.

I considered a HEM but haven’t bought it since my electrical skills are weak at best but it bothers me that regular switches don’t report wattage so I haven’t gone out of my way to get them.

You don’t need any electrician skills to get Aeotec HEM (and mostly all of them). These clamps just go over the wire and that’s it, nothing to connect/disconnect.
And while it is not a lot of switches/outlets/plugs report the energy yet, but more than few. Monoprice, Zooz, iNovelli.

As for irrigation, you mean the water usage? Yes, would be nice, but here comes the problem, I don’t know really any DIY device you can use to monitor it. Same with the gas consumption, which I would LOVE to add, those are usually nonstandard zigbee installed and monitored by utilities and no way to get the data without provided access

About HEM, I have to disagree. You’ll have to provide electricity for it, so you need to connect its live & neutral wires, it doesn’t run on batteries

That depends on the version. My HEM 2 has a regular US power cord and plugs into an outlet for power.

Maybe there are some versions of HEM you need to connect to wires in the panel. But that’s really wrong design, HEM doesn’t need it really

I have two versions of Aeotec, one is USB powered, the second one has its own power supply. So basically they are both connected to the power outlet, not the live wires.

And if your HEM needs live wires in the panel, then it is not that simple. And then I would strongly advise against that HEM, if the manufacturer can’t make that simple, what else they have screwed up.

I believe that the HEM that either has a regular power cord or is wired to the power source it is monitoring actually measures that voltage and uses it to calculate the watts and KWH.

HEM is usually a clamp type. At least I have not seen the other type yet. And if it is, then why would you need it to be attached directly to the load/power. And I would say NEVER install a HEM with direct wiring to the load, like 200 amps going through HEM??? Seriously? I don’t trust those manufacturers that much. Simple clamps just work and then there is very low risk something goes wrong during installation or after. Attach it directly and 200 amps can make a nice bonfire if something is wrong inside a HEM.

And wall switches/dimmers are not HEM and not at the panel.

Well, there are DIN breakers in EU, these have to be installed in the panel, but this is a totally different story. And states still have to see them (I have heard Leviton is going to come up with those, but nothing yet)

We at are entertaining the idea with HEM coming with like 20 clamps so you can attach it to every breaker. Well, I would love to monitor my AC and I can’t put the static number on it, the fan is variable and the AC have stages, so not that simple.

I think there’s some confusion here. HEM uses inductive clamps to sense the current in the feeder wires. This does not require an electrician to install. The HEM circuitry itself requires power, and gets it from (in the US version) a regular power cord. The line voltage is also sensed in order to perform the power calculations. There is no version of HEM that I know of that requires a series connection with the load.

I had a question about this and I asked Aeotec. My question:

If the clamps are measuring current how is the voltage determined? Is it measured from the line connection and assumed that line1 voltage and line2 are the same? I’m sure they’re close to being the same but won’t any difference impact accuracy?

Their response:

Typically how HEM Gen5 calculates is W = V A PF (but unfortunately PF is not reported in this case). Voltage is determined by the input power of the HEM Gen5, for US 2 phase, the same voltage is used for line 1 and line 2 voltage.
The impacted accuracy is very minimal to what I have seen in my own installation, the error is still <1% in my setup.

Lol all, I probably caused the confusion. The reference I meant was when I read the directions online, I’d have to take off the fuse box panel, determine where or how my cables are accessible after removing it, and then a cord running down the wall to plug it in based on what device I might purchase.

I had enough troubles with switches that never match up wiring wise with the switch I’m replacing so my appetite is low for doing this again, that’s all.

Further to this the fact the switches and outlets I have can’t report power consumption makes me irritated at best.

So sorry for that!

And then I have realized, I have reading comprehension issues.
Clamps, of course, can’t give you voltage, you need it from somewhere. So Aeotec was totally correct. Well, I was totally correct too, haha. You need power supply connected to outlet and clamps going around wire.

@tomtcom. It took me 5 mins to add Aeotec HEM. And switch is usually 30 mins at least.
Almost of my wall switches/outlets are old and don’t have energy monitoring. However it is kinda easy to fix, the switch/dimmer reports the percentage it is on, you just have to add a max power for the load to the mix. And then plugin will calculate it for you. Not in current version, but probably in few weeks.

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Yep, think we were all correct, I was referring to the EU version that I use (that does not have a regular power plug)

strange really. Why they can’t add just a plug so you can use an outlet? That would change nothing from the electrical point of view but would change everything in convenience.
Anyway, you can add that plug yourself, I think that would be much easier than going into panel or calling an electrician

It may have to do with local electrical codes.