Fibaro Double Switch (FGS-223) Lag

[quote=“Bobone, post:185, topic:198800”]Haha!!

The proof is there! A scandal!!![/quote]

And it now lists at 7. I would list it at 1 or zero

[quote=“Bobone, post:185, topic:198800”]BTW, the switch is working flawlessly on HomeSeeer which I am testing right now.
It is really an excellent device with strong capabilities.[/quote]

Are they sold in the EU?

Yes, I have bought it as SW with a USB controller to start with.

[quote=“Sender, post:182, topic:198800”]Vera, is also a controller with a zwave radio (dongle).

I mean this:

and then all your vera devices (zwave an non zwave) become available in hass and from there you can do all logic and control.[/quote]

Sender, can I add Hass to my Vera without altering it in any way?



Yes, it only reads vera devices

Toy shopping time!

Its free ;D

The Pi isn’t ;D


We also faced the problem of the operation of the Fibaro FGS-223 modules in the Vera’s network. One of our customers was forced to put the FGS-223 not behind the wall switch, but directly next to the load. Because behind the switch he does not have a neutral wire. So that the client could control the light “from the wall”, we suggested using our portable buttons switch DWB-101 to send to FGS-223 assotiated coomands. Client was very pleased with this possibility until he tried it. In fact, such combination doesn’t not work. I mean, the client set up the associations between the buttons on the portable transmitter, but the FGS-223 did not respond to button presses.

We started to model such a situation in order to help the client. We found out the following:

  • FGS-223 is included in the controller’s z-wave network in secured mode (by default);
  • our portable switch does not use encryption (there are various reasons for this, but so far it is). So it included in z-wave network in non-secured mode;
  • the associations are set up correctly, and when you press the buttons of the portable switch, the necessary unencrypted commands go on air - “Basic Set 00 / FF” in the “Multi Channel Cmd Encap” wrapper (we monitored this with Zniffer);
  • FGS-223 receives these commands from the portable switch, confirms this (“Ack” can be seen in Zniffer), but does not execute them.

We assumed that since FGS-223 was added to the z-wave network by the Vera controller in secured mode, it does not accept unencrypted commands for execution. To test this, we included both devices - the FGS-223 and our portable switch -to the Z-Wave USB network adapter using the Z-Wave PC controller (Sigma?s Certified software).

So we were able to make sure that
A) if the FGS-223 is included in the controller’s network in encrypted mode, it executes encrypted commands, but does not execute commands without encryption;
B) if FGS-223 is included in the controller’s network in unprotected mode, it executes commands without encryption :wink:

Thus, our bundle can work only if FGS-223 is added to the controller’s network without encryption.

To allow users to work in different combinations of Vera controllers, we even made firmware without encryption for our 1-channel and 2-channel relay micrimodules DAS-101/DAS-102. But since almost no one wants to change their existing Fibaro devices for analogs (that would be cool for us, but cruel to users), we want to ask Vera engineers:

You do not want to give your customers a choice of how to add devices to the network - with or without encryption?
This is done in other controllers, and many use other controllers only because they are more flexible now.

Maybe I don’t know, and there’s already a way to add a device to the Vera controller?s network without encryption? Then I ask those who know him to show me this.

You guys know if this problem also affects associations? One double switch sends its 4th group to another and it works and is most often fast (Im guessing because it does not need to relay the request over the buggy Vera). But sometimes the light does not turn on at all. Which is strange since z-wave uses reliable connections (ack/resend etc)

It seems whenever you send a command from the controller to a double switch 2 it breaks associations on the entire network. Is this a known issue too?

edit: no, it seems unreliable even when not sending commands from teh controller

[quote=“Sorin, post:123, topic:198800”]Bobone,

I can tell you that we are already a few sprints into the development cycle, but I can’t be more specific than that. Because of the fact that there is A LOT happening and things are things are yet to be settled, I cannot personally give you more than what Melih gave you, although I’d love to do that.[/quote]

Got back an old post… @Sorin I was wondering If you were able to reproduce the issue and to analyze it, and eventually if you find the problem.
Not asking if or when… you may need to rewrite tons of code to fix it.

Anyway A forecast would be super!

They know how to fix it, but they won’t do it, I guess for a principle. This device behaves differently and they don’t want to introduce a special case just for us.
it’s a political thing, and I guess we will not have a fix unless we switch to a different hub.

The problem is documented. It has to do with the implementation of new security protocols.
If Vera would just allow to join devices in a non-secure way (which is pretty secure anyway BTW), it would not be a problem.

It is an outrage that this hotfix has not been provided during the 2 years that the problem has been known.

I have moved the FGS-223s to HomeSeer. Works perfectly.

[glow=red,2,300]Hey Google, turn ON my Fibaro FGS-223 switch![/glow]

Because we know how much you love to control your Fibaro FGS-223 with Google Home and Vera, I have some great news for you.

We have fixed the issues regarding Fibaro FGS-223 delays when controlled and it will be part of the upcoming 7.29 Vera firmware release alongside Google Home integration

LE: Bonus fix!

[ul][li]Fixed issues regarding Fibaro FGS-223 delays when controlled[/li][/ul]

+ Surprise integration

[ul][li]Google Home Integration (excluding cameras)[/li][/ul]

As I already said, thanks for listening!

Very interesting post, but also quite confusing message:

  • I now have FW 1.7.4001 on VeraPlus?
  • No release date?
  • No mention of flash mode issue (most probably same root problem). Have you tested?


Release notes are under Official Announcements, here:,121477.0.html

What flash mode issues are you referring to?

[quote=“Sorin, post:203, topic:198800”]@Bobone

Release notes are under Official Announcements, here:,121477.0.html

What flash mode issues are you referring to?[/quote]

  1. Confusing: what is 7.29 vs FW 1.7.4001 on VeraPlus?

  2. “Flash Mode” is a FGS-223 function that enables it to flash every x seconds for y seconds independently of the controller and thus reducing traffic/problems. Especially important in alarm situations.
    This works perfectly with other controllers such as HomeSeer and Fibaro and has been diagnosed by Fibaro and Vera teams as a Vera controller problem.
    Most likely linked to the security protocols that have caused the lags. The flashing starts but is shut down by (excessive) Vera commands.
    It would make sense to test this NOW before the release.

Many thanks,


How did the testing go?