Ezlo http API how to set door lock code using method hub.item.dictionary.value.set

Hello @Wael_Ali,

If you’re interested, in the post below you will find detailed instructions on how to set up an HTTP client on your Ezlo hub so that you can send HTTP requests without having to send the JSON payload

They should look like


On the other hand, your API request should look like

    "method": "hub.item.dictionary.value.add",
    "params": {
        "_id": "item_ID",
        "element": {
            "type": "userCode",
            "value": {
                "code": "1234",
                "name": "person",
                "mode": "enabled"

So that should be fine. If you run a hub.items.list on that doorlock, do you not see the new pincode?

"method": "hub.items.list",
"id": "_ID_",
"params": {
"deviceIds": [
"**deviceId0** "