So the bad news is that if you read over this thread, no one has ever included EnOcean switches or other actuators.
The code is there, but as it was never tested with real-world devices, it is likely that there is a bug somewhere in that code.
I don’t have any switches to test with, but I have a plug or two in a box I have never deployed that I could see how they react. I have to think about how I would test - I don’t want to use my production Vera…
What kind of actuators are you trying to include/teach-in?
This is what I understood, but I find it hard to see the point of including enocean switches if it is not possible to control actuators.
Except maybe to order zwave actuator or other …
But as far as I could see the orders placed by vera are not transmitted.
Well, I am assuming the code for switches and actuators are the same. Meaning if we solve for switches, I am hoping that would work for your actuators as well.
I just need to find some time. What I plan to do is bring an old Vera out of retirement, upgrade it to UI7, install the EnOcean plug-in, and attempt to teach-in one of the plugs I already have. If I can find the bug in the teach-in, that would be the first hurdle, and then I can see if I can control it. From there we can look to see if that section of code also looks like it would also control switches/actuators, and how we would need to troubleshoot your install. (LuaUPNP.log)
So I spent a few hours over the weekend working on EnOcean issues. I attempted to get one of my switches to pair - with no luck. What I do know is that the Plug-In is not sending Teach-In telegrams. The code is there, but there must be a bug preventing actual transmission of any data over the EnOcean transceiver. I verified this by running DolphinView Basic all weekend, and no telegram was ever recorded from any source but my occupancy sensors.
LuaInterface::CallFunction_Job device 3 function SEnOceanGateway1_EnOceanGateway1_TeachIn_run failed [string “-- Steps to get Vera learned into a device …”]:514: bad argument #1 to ‘unset’ (number expected, got nil)
But the weird thing is that there is no “SEnOceanGateway1_EnOceanGateway1_TeachIn” function in the plug-in. Or at least not in the .LUA file.
Old Thread, but Ill try it.
I’m waiting that the USB300 Dongle Enocean with TCM310 arrived.
I’ve just buyer the enocean decive from Eltako (4Scene Controller).
In the next time the 2 parts should arrived and then I can say if it is working so like expected or I received only one issue after another
The istallation of the plug-In worked without errors in UI7.
The expected frame (which was mention in the instruction) witch should show the "Learning-State and the answer from new devices doesn’t pop up or was not visible.
The 4 scene switch was found and following device are created:
2 switches ON/OFF
This 2 devices reflect on the GUI the 4 keypress posibilities: (1 rocker ON, the other OFF)
4 devices with following parts in the name: AOBO, AIB0, AOBI and AIBI
ThIs 4 devices didn’t how any status-change during using the physical switch.
To use the switch I install additionaly the plugin House-ModePlugin.
The 4 scenes doesn’t work so as expected - maybe there is a pers. understanding issue?
If S1 is turned OFF, switch immed to Mode Home
If S1 is turned ON, switch immed to Mode Night
If S2 is turned ON, switch immed to Mode Holiday
If S2 is turned OFF, switch immed to Mode AWAY
If I have luck the scene is partically running, most time not. The timeout for each scene was reduced to the minimum = 1Sec.
The GUI shoes the received signal via a status change, because the 2 devices S1 and S2. the 2 switches are following the keypress. So there should be an issue between my ears or in the House-ModePlugin.
This is the plug-in, or rather the lack thereof, that will keep me from migrating to Elzo. There just aren’t any ceiling-mounted occupancy sensors for z-wave or zigbee that perform like the EnOcean ones do. I had to replace a battery last week - finally a few are hitting the 10 year estimated life span.
@JonathanB , I submitted a Device Integration request for EnOcean devices. My need is just for Occupancy Sensors, but there are other products out there. Above I helped troubleshoot the Mios developed plug-in originally for UI5 that still works great in UI7.