December 16, 2019, 9:33pm
@rafale77 for the service file S_Ecobee1.xml
, here’s what’s needed:
In the <serviceStateTable>
section add:
And then change the SendMessage and SetClimateHold actions to add the <relatedStateVariable>
I’d have done a pull request on your repo, but it’s such a small change, I think it’s just easier to hand them to you…
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Thanks, I just posted v2.2 with these changes and also the icon location which now need to be in /www/cmh/skins/default/icons
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I’m sorry to keep this going, but I’m almost there!
I’ve downloaded winscp and copied the icons over to the proper folder (check!)
I’ve uploaded the unzipped newest (v2.2) files to luup files (check!)
I’ve enabled the developer aspect of my ecobee account (check!)
I’ve copied the API key into the Ecobee device and clicked ‘Get PIN’ but get the following error message:
Oh don’t apologize. You are beta testing for me. Let me look into it when I get back from work later tonight. Sorry for the wait and thanks for testing.
Thanks so much!! No worries on the wait, I know it’s a sin in our world, but I can just manually adjust the thermostat when necessary ( )
December 16, 2019, 11:15pm
@rafale77 typo in the XML change… it looks like when you pasted the actions, you lopped off the </actionList>
at the end, leaving only an extra >
should be:
I suspected something like that… not surprising of me… thanks for looking into it.
December 16, 2019, 11:18pm
I hate XML almost as much as I hate YAML.
I just edited the “S_Ecobee1.xml” file to remove that “>” and re-uploaded and still got the same error…?
Hmm no a line is missing. My computer is rebooting. I am on my phone. Give me a min or two.
Edit: try v2.21b
Success! Uploaded new xml file, got pin, authorized and ready to go! I cannot express how awesome yu guys both are to knock this out today!! @rafale77 @rigpapa kudos!!
Split this topic
December 18, 2019, 1:18pm
19 posts were split to a new topic: Ecobee Plugin Update