All of a sudden it looks like all my devices stopped working and I cannot switch any of them using the dashboard.
Below is what the log looks like when I am trying to turn on device #15:
root@HomeControl:/tmp/log/cmh# cat DCERouter.log | grep 12:22 ... 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.880 SocketListener::Run TCPIP: Accepting incoming connection on socket 44, port 3451, from IP <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.882 ServerSocket::Created 0x6d7140 m_Socket: 44 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.883 Thread created for Incoming_Conn Socket 44 dev -1 ptr 0x6d7140 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.884 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient new socket 0x6d7140 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.890 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: GET /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput HTTP/1.0 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.893 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Host: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.899 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008123008 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.5 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.904 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.907 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.910 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.914 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.916 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Keep-Alive: 300 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.919 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.921 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Prototype-Version: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.924 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Referer: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.927 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Cookie: cmhAutoplay=0; style=null <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.930 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-For: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.932 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Host: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.935 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-Proto: http <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.936 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.937 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient handle request: /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput for socket 0x6d7140 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.938 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider found 1 for zwave_status <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.939 InternalSendCommand id 971 out parm conf 1 resp 0x6cad88 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.940 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.944 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.945 Router: Msg F:0 (unknown / ) To:9 (ZWave / ), Ty:1 ID:971 , Retry:none : <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.946 Parm: 10(): zwave_status <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.947 Parm: 48(): 7124169 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.948 Parm: 202(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.949 Parm: 259(): 0 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.949 Parm: 279(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.950 Parm: 280(): json_callback_cmdOutput <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.951 Parm: 281(): <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.952 Router: Ready for 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.954 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.955 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 1 id 971 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 1 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.956 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.989 9 Destination realsendmessage responded with MESSAGE 3559 . <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.990 1 pSocket=0x68abc0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.991 Socket::SendMessage type 4 id 0 from 9 to 0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.994 realsendmessage - before failed socket <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.995 realsendmessage - end <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.999 InternalSendCommand out done id 971 conf 1 resp 0x6cad88 0x6cb7a8 0 type 1 id 971 to 9 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.000 InternalSendCommand out id 971 parm exiting conf 1 resp 0x6cad88 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.001 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider got data from 9 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.002 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sending this 0x6d7140 104 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.004 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.005 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sending this 0x6d7140 0x6ccbe0/3437 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.006 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 iSize 3437 iBytesLeft 3437 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.008 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.009 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1389 iSize 3437 iBytesLeft 1389 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.011 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1389 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.012 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.013 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest got ID: data_request from /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput parms id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput sending format json_callback_cmdOutput response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.019 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.023 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 closesocket: 0 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.024 Detected disconnect: detaching thread for -1 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.025 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.026 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Removing socket 0x6d7140 from socket listener <0x3802b> 22 01/25/09 12:22:50.027 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Map server socket size 0, vector server socket size 0 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.028 ServerSocket::~ServerSocket(): @0x6d7140/-1 Is it running 1? <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.029 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.030 Socket::~Socket(): deleting socket @0x6d7140 Incoming_Conn Socket 44 (socket id in destructor: m_Socket: -1) <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.599 DeviceData_Router::m_sState_set device 15 now FAILED temporary 0 <0x9826> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.600 Router: AddMsq2Q Fr:-1000 To:9 Ty:15 ID:15 / 0 <0x9826> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.601 DataLayer_JSON::DataIsDirty was 1 now 1 <0x9826> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.603 Router: Queue Fr:-1000 To:9 Ty:15 ID:15 after: 0 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.604 Router: Ready for 15 id 15 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x402> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.605 Socket::SendMessage type 15 id 15 from -1000 to 9 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.606 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 15 id 15 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 0 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.607 Got response: 1 to message type 15 id 15 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.608 No response expected. returning <0x402> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.617 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.618 Router: Intercepted t:2 id:8 dev:4 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.619 Lighting_Plugin::DeviceError Device 15 error Not responding <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.620 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 20 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.621 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 21 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.622 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 25 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.623 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 26 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.624 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 31 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.625 Router: Intercepted t:2 id:8 dev:6 <0x9405> 07 01/25/09 12:22:53.626 Event_Plugin::ProcessEvent Event #8 has no handlers <0x9405> 07 01/25/09 12:22:53.626 Router: Msg F:15 (Window / ) To:-1001 (unknown / ), Ty:2 ID:8 , Retry:none : <0x9405> 07 01/25/09 12:22:53.627 Parm: 12(): Not responding <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.628 realsendmessage - end <0x9405> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.877 SocketListener::Run TCPIP: Accepting incoming connection on socket 44, port 3451, from IP <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.878 ServerSocket::Created 0x6d7140 m_Socket: 44 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.880 Thread created for Incoming_Conn Socket 44 dev -1 ptr 0x6d7140 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.881 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient new socket 0x6d7140 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.887 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: GET /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput HTTP/1.0 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.889 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Host: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.896 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008123008 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.5 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.901 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.904 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.907 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.911 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.913 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Keep-Alive: 300 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.916 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.918 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Prototype-Version: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.921 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Referer: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.924 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Cookie: cmhAutoplay=0; style=null <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.927 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-For: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.929 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Host: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.932 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-Proto: http <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.933 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.934 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient handle request: /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput for socket 0x6d7140 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.935 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider found 1 for zwave_status <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.936 InternalSendCommand id 971 out parm conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.937 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.941 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.942 Router: Msg F:0 (unknown / ) To:9 (ZWave / ), Ty:1 ID:971 , Retry:none : <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.943 Parm: 10(): zwave_status <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.944 Parm: 48(): 7124585 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.945 Parm: 202(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.946 Parm: 259(): 0 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.947 Parm: 279(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.948 Parm: 280(): json_callback_cmdOutput <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.948 Parm: 281(): <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.950 Router: Ready for 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.951 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.952 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 1 id 971 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 1 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.974 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.986 9 Destination realsendmessage responded with MESSAGE 3494 . <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.987 1 pSocket=0x68abc0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.988 Socket::SendMessage type 4 id 0 from 9 to 0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.990 realsendmessage - before failed socket <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.991 realsendmessage - end <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.996 InternalSendCommand out done id 971 conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 0x6cbc78 0 type 1 id 971 to 9 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.997 InternalSendCommand out id 971 parm exiting conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.998 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider got data from 9 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.999 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sending this 0x6d7140 104 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.001 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.002 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sending this 0x6d7140 0x6ccba0/3372 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.003 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 iSize 3372 iBytesLeft 3372 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.005 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.006 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1324 iSize 3372 iBytesLeft 1324 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.008 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1324 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.009 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.010 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest got ID: data_request from /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput parms id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput sending format json_callback_cmdOutput response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.011 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.014 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 closesocket: 0 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.016 Detected disconnect: detaching thread for -1 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.017 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.018 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Removing socket 0x6d7140 from socket listener <0x3842b> 22 01/25/09 12:22:55.019 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Map server socket size 0, vector server socket size 0 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.019 ServerSocket::~ServerSocket(): @0x6d7140/-1 Is it running 1? <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.020 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.021 Socket::~Socket(): deleting socket @0x6d7140 Incoming_Conn Socket 44 (socket id in destructor: m_Socket: -1) <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.877 SocketListener::Run TCPIP: Accepting incoming connection on socket 44, port 3451, from IP <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.879 ServerSocket::Created 0x6d7140 m_Socket: 44 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.880 Thread created for Incoming_Conn Socket 44 dev -1 ptr 0x6d7140 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.881 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient new socket 0x6d7140 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.887 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: GET /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput HTTP/1.0 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.890 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Host: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.897 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008123008 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.5 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.901 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.904 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.907 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.911 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.913 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Keep-Alive: 300 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.916 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.918 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Prototype-Version: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.921 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Referer: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.924 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Cookie: cmhAutoplay=0; style=null <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.927 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-For: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.929 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Host: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.932 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-Proto: http <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.933 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.934 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient handle request: /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput for socket 0x6d7140 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.935 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider found 1 for zwave_status <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.936 InternalSendCommand id 971 out parm conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.937 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.941 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.942 Router: Msg F:0 (unknown / ) To:9 (ZWave / ), Ty:1 ID:971 , Retry:none : <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.943 Parm: 10(): zwave_status <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.944 Parm: 48(): 7124585 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.945 Parm: 202(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.946 Parm: 259(): 0 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.947 Parm: 279(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.948 Parm: 280(): json_callback_cmdOutput <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.949 Parm: 281(): <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.950 Router: Ready for 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.951 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.952 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 1 id 971 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 1 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.974 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.986 9 Destination realsendmessage responded with MESSAGE 3494 . <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.987 1 pSocket=0x68abc0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.989 Socket::SendMessage type 4 id 0 from 9 to 0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.991 realsendmessage - before failed socket <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.992 realsendmessage - end <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.996 InternalSendCommand out done id 971 conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 0x6cbc78 0 type 1 id 971 to 9 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.997 InternalSendCommand out id 971 parm exiting conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.998 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider got data from 9 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.999 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sending this 0x6d7140 104 <0x3882b>What could the reason be for this problem?