Devices stopped working

All of a sudden it looks like all my devices stopped working and I cannot switch any of them using the dashboard.
Below is what the log looks like when I am trying to turn on device #15:

root@HomeControl:/tmp/log/cmh# cat DCERouter.log | grep 12:22 ... 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.880 SocketListener::Run TCPIP: Accepting incoming connection on socket 44, port 3451, from IP <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.882 ServerSocket::Created 0x6d7140 m_Socket: 44 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.883 Thread created for Incoming_Conn Socket 44 dev -1 ptr 0x6d7140 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.884 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient new socket 0x6d7140 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.890 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: GET /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput HTTP/1.0 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.893 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Host: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.899 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008123008 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.5 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.904 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.907 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.910 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.914 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.916 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Keep-Alive: 300 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.919 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.921 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Prototype-Version: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.924 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Referer: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.927 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Cookie: cmhAutoplay=0; style=null <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.930 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-For: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.932 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Host: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.935 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-Proto: http <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.936 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.937 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient handle request: /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput for socket 0x6d7140 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.938 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider found 1 for zwave_status <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.939 InternalSendCommand id 971 out parm conf 1 resp 0x6cad88 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.940 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.944 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.945 Router: Msg F:0 (unknown / ) To:9 (ZWave / ), Ty:1 ID:971 , Retry:none : <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.946 Parm: 10(): zwave_status <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.947 Parm: 48(): 7124169 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.948 Parm: 202(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.949 Parm: 259(): 0 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.949 Parm: 279(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.950 Parm: 280(): json_callback_cmdOutput <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:49.951 Parm: 281(): <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.952 Router: Ready for 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.954 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.955 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 1 id 971 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 1 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:49.956 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.989 9 Destination realsendmessage responded with MESSAGE 3559 . <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.990 1 pSocket=0x68abc0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.991 Socket::SendMessage type 4 id 0 from 9 to 0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.994 realsendmessage - before failed socket <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.995 realsendmessage - end <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:49.999 InternalSendCommand out done id 971 conf 1 resp 0x6cad88 0x6cb7a8 0 type 1 id 971 to 9 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.000 InternalSendCommand out id 971 parm exiting conf 1 resp 0x6cad88 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.001 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider got data from 9 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.002 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sending this 0x6d7140 104 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.004 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.005 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sending this 0x6d7140 0x6ccbe0/3437 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.006 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 iSize 3437 iBytesLeft 3437 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.008 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.009 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1389 iSize 3437 iBytesLeft 1389 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.011 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1389 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.012 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.013 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest got ID: data_request from /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput parms id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput sending format json_callback_cmdOutput response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.019 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.023 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 closesocket: 0 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.024 Detected disconnect: detaching thread for -1 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.025 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.026 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Removing socket 0x6d7140 from socket listener <0x3802b> 22 01/25/09 12:22:50.027 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Map server socket size 0, vector server socket size 0 <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:50.028 ServerSocket::~ServerSocket(): @0x6d7140/-1 Is it running 1? <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.029 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3802b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:50.030 Socket::~Socket(): deleting socket @0x6d7140 Incoming_Conn Socket 44 (socket id in destructor: m_Socket: -1) <0x3802b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.599 DeviceData_Router::m_sState_set device 15 now FAILED temporary 0 <0x9826> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.600 Router: AddMsq2Q Fr:-1000 To:9 Ty:15 ID:15 / 0 <0x9826> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.601 DataLayer_JSON::DataIsDirty was 1 now 1 <0x9826> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.603 Router: Queue Fr:-1000 To:9 Ty:15 ID:15 after: 0 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.604 Router: Ready for 15 id 15 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x402> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.605 Socket::SendMessage type 15 id 15 from -1000 to 9 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.606 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 15 id 15 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 0 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.607 Got response: 1 to message type 15 id 15 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x402> 13 01/25/09 12:22:53.608 No response expected. returning <0x402> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.617 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.618 Router: Intercepted t:2 id:8 dev:4 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.619 Lighting_Plugin::DeviceError Device 15 error Not responding <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.620 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 20 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.621 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 21 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.622 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 25 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.623 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 26 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.624 Lighting_Plugin::SetActiveScenes Device 15 (E/-1) scene 31 now 0 was 0 <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.625 Router: Intercepted t:2 id:8 dev:6 <0x9405> 07 01/25/09 12:22:53.626 Event_Plugin::ProcessEvent Event #8 has no handlers <0x9405> 07 01/25/09 12:22:53.626 Router: Msg F:15 (Window / ) To:-1001 (unknown / ), Ty:2 ID:8 , Retry:none : <0x9405> 07 01/25/09 12:22:53.627 Parm: 12(): Not responding <0x9405> 10 01/25/09 12:22:53.628 realsendmessage - end <0x9405> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.877 SocketListener::Run TCPIP: Accepting incoming connection on socket 44, port 3451, from IP <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.878 ServerSocket::Created 0x6d7140 m_Socket: 44 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.880 Thread created for Incoming_Conn Socket 44 dev -1 ptr 0x6d7140 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.881 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient new socket 0x6d7140 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.887 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: GET /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput HTTP/1.0 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.889 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Host: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.896 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008123008 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.5 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.901 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.904 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.907 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.911 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.913 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Keep-Alive: 300 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.916 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.918 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Prototype-Version: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.921 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Referer: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.924 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Cookie: cmhAutoplay=0; style=null <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.927 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-For: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.929 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Host: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.932 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-Proto: http <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.933 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.934 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient handle request: /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput for socket 0x6d7140 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.935 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider found 1 for zwave_status <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.936 InternalSendCommand id 971 out parm conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.937 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.941 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.942 Router: Msg F:0 (unknown / ) To:9 (ZWave / ), Ty:1 ID:971 , Retry:none : <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.943 Parm: 10(): zwave_status <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.944 Parm: 48(): 7124585 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.945 Parm: 202(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.946 Parm: 259(): 0 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.947 Parm: 279(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.948 Parm: 280(): json_callback_cmdOutput <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:54.948 Parm: 281(): <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.950 Router: Ready for 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.951 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.952 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 1 id 971 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 1 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:54.974 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.986 9 Destination realsendmessage responded with MESSAGE 3494 . <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.987 1 pSocket=0x68abc0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.988 Socket::SendMessage type 4 id 0 from 9 to 0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.990 realsendmessage - before failed socket <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.991 realsendmessage - end <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.996 InternalSendCommand out done id 971 conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 0x6cbc78 0 type 1 id 971 to 9 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.997 InternalSendCommand out id 971 parm exiting conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.998 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider got data from 9 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:54.999 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sending this 0x6d7140 104 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.001 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.002 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sending this 0x6d7140 0x6ccba0/3372 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.003 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 iSize 3372 iBytesLeft 3372 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.005 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 2048 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.006 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1324 iSize 3372 iBytesLeft 1324 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.008 Socket::SendData_Debug iSendBytes 1324 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.009 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData2 data_request sent this 0x6d7140 1 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.010 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest got ID: data_request from /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput parms id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput sending format json_callback_cmdOutput response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.011 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.014 Socket::Close() m_Socket 44 closesocket: 0 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.016 Detected disconnect: detaching thread for -1 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.017 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.018 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Removing socket 0x6d7140 from socket listener <0x3842b> 22 01/25/09 12:22:55.019 SocketListener::RemoveAndDeleteSocket Map server socket size 0, vector server socket size 0 <0x3842b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:55.019 ServerSocket::~ServerSocket(): @0x6d7140/-1 Is it running 1? <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.020 Socket::Close() m_Socket -1 <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:55.021 Socket::~Socket(): deleting socket @0x6d7140 Incoming_Conn Socket 44 (socket id in destructor: m_Socket: -1) <0x3842b> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.877 SocketListener::Run TCPIP: Accepting incoming connection on socket 44, port 3451, from IP <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.879 ServerSocket::Created 0x6d7140 m_Socket: 44 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.880 Thread created for Incoming_Conn Socket 44 dev -1 ptr 0x6d7140 <0x8422> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.881 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient new socket 0x6d7140 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.887 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: GET /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput HTTP/1.0 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.890 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Host: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.897 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008123008 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.5 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.901 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept: text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */* <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.904 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.907 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.911 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.913 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Keep-Alive: 300 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.916 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.918 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Prototype-Version: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.921 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Referer: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.924 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: Cookie: cmhAutoplay=0; style=null <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.927 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-For: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.929 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Host: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.932 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: X-Forwarded-Proto: http <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.933 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient line: <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.934 HTTP_Request_Socket::ServeClient handle request: /port_3451/data_request?id=zwave_status&output_format=json_callback_cmdOutput for socket 0x6d7140 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.935 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider found 1 for zwave_status <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.936 InternalSendCommand id 971 out parm conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.937 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.941 Router::ReceivedMessage pMem 0x6f0000/7274496 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.942 Router: Msg F:0 (unknown / ) To:9 (ZWave / ), Ty:1 ID:971 , Retry:none : <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.943 Parm: 10(): zwave_status <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.944 Parm: 48(): 7124585 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.945 Parm: 202(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.946 Parm: 259(): 0 <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.947 Parm: 279(): <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.948 Parm: 280(): json_callback_cmdOutput <0x5015> 08 01/25/09 12:22:59.949 Parm: 281(): <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.950 Router: Ready for 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 36(0x6bc3a0) with: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.951 Socket::SendMessage type 1 id 971 from 0 to 9 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.952 Router: Resp 1 Ty: 1 id 971 socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 expected response: 1 <0x5015> 13 01/25/09 12:22:59.974 Got response: 1 to message type 1 id 971 to 9 ZWave on socket 43 using lock: 0x6bc460 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.986 9 Destination realsendmessage responded with MESSAGE 3494 . <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.987 1 pSocket=0x68abc0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.989 Socket::SendMessage type 4 id 0 from 9 to 0 <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.991 realsendmessage - before failed socket <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.992 realsendmessage - end <0x5015> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.996 InternalSendCommand out done id 971 conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 0x6cbc78 0 type 1 id 971 to 9 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.997 InternalSendCommand out id 971 parm exiting conf 1 resp 0x6cb898 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.998 DP_Catalog::Request_Data_Provider got data from 9 <0x3882b> 10 01/25/09 12:22:59.999 HTTP_Request_Socket::HandleRequest ProcessUserData data_request sending this 0x6d7140 104 <0x3882b>
What could the reason be for this problem?

After an hour of me not doing anything to Vera they started working again :-\

There are actually several logs, so we need to see the others. Our tech support and instant chat (see, support) go straight to developers, and they’re manned by 2 offices (US and Europe), so there’s usually somebody there. If you contact us while it’s happening, don’t reset, reboot, cycle power, etc., just leave it in the ‘broken state’, we can always identify the problem right away and quickly fix it. The ZWave dongle probably got into a strange state; which is actually a different log anyway (9-ZWave.log). We found one such sequence that caused the ZWave dongle to go into la-la land and the new firmware (final testing going on today) has a work around that prevents that from happening.

Thanks, I will contact the support if it happens again.
