Dawn Simulator Clock

The looks cool! I already use a scene to wakeup, but it just turns my lamps on immediately. I’ve modified this code for my setup and will test it when I’m home. :stuck_out_tongue:

Having a device also gives you the ability for the ramp to resume if a Luup restart happens. WakeupRamp doesn’t do this, but I’m this → ← far from adding it, my Vera’s Luup engine restarts so frequently. One morning in two my ramp never reaches the target amount.

Thanks, I have beeen wanting to attempt this but I didn’t know how!
I implemented it on my bedroom light (changed only the device number and length of ramp time ) and my dimmer ramps up immediately, did I miss something?

I re-read the article and see where you have made some changes and I wanted you to know, it works okay as I needed now. Thanks

Having a device also gives you the ability for the ramp to resume if a Luup restart happens. WakeupRamp doesn’t do this, but I’m this → ← far from adding it, my Vera’s Luup engine restarts so frequently. One morning in two my ramp never reaches the target amount.[/quote]

How would you make it do that? By having variables associated with the device storing it’s progress?


[quote=“RastusB2, post:6, topic:169288”]Thanks, I have beeen wanting to attempt this but I didn’t know how!
I implemented it on my bedroom light (changed only the device number and length of ramp time ) and my dimmer ramps up immediately, did I miss something?[/quote]

10 minutes might be a bit short for my code - it would be sending an update every 8 seconds (it aims for 80 steps), which might be overloading your system. Perhaps I need to add a minimum step time.

The best thing to do is to look in your logs to see what message is being sent. You can do that by going to the log directory and typing “grep SUNRISE L*”.


Yep. At ramp start, store the current time (os.time()) and the finish time (os.time() + duration) in two variables. Then in the device’s startup function, see if os.time() is in between those two variables, there was a Luup restart, so do whatever you can to resume the ramp.

I haven’t made the code in to a device, but I have allowed for setting a start and end level, so you can transition from any dim level to any other dim level (e.g. dim up from 10 to 50, or dim down from 100 to 0), and also I set a (configurable) minimum interval and allow for multiple devices to be controlled at the same time if required. The new code is above.


I ran into an issue the other morning. I woke up early to go to the airport and my bedroom light was just starting the sunrise cycle. I turned the light up and I got out of bed, and within a minute it had returned to the sunrise light level. You have a check to cancel the scene when the light is turned off …how about also canceling the scene when the light has been turned up bright?

I added two additional checks to the base code.

The first one checks to see if the light is already on before starting the dawn simulator - this is for those early mornings when I get up before the sunrise is supposed to start. I added this at the top, right after the device_number declaration.

– check if the light is already on
local lul_tmp = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1”, “Status”, device_number)
if (lul_tmp == “1”) then
luup.log(“SUNRISE: light is already on, so quit”)

The next check is to see if someone has turned the lights up during the dawn ramp (i.e. dawn starts at 5:30 and at 5:45 I get up and turn the lights up full - I don’t want them going back to halfway through the sunrise). Right after the new dimLevel is calculated I added the code below. It polls the switch to get fresh data, waits 1 second for the poll to complete, then reads the LoadLevelStatus and checks to see if that is higher than what it should be. If it is higher, someone has overridden the ramp and the script exits.

-- check if the light is higher than scheduled - abort if so 

luup.call_action(“urn:micasaverde-com:serviceId:HaDevice1”, “Poll”, {}, device_number)
local dimStatus = luup.variable_get(“urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1”, “LoadLevelStatus”, device_number)
if (tonumber(dimStatus) > dimLevel) then
luup.log("SUNRISE: device is on, so quitting. Current dim level = " … dimStatus … " scheduled level = " … dimLevel)

I’m new at this, so I would not be surprised if there are better ways to code this. One key thing to note is that my code is based off the first version of the script which only supported a single device…you probably can’t drop this into the latest script without some edits.

I would like to add the functionality to enable/disable with a virtual switch. I am confused as to what I would need to add. Can someone point me in the right direction?

The Wakeup Ramp plugin has this functionality, so start by reading its source code for ideas.

Perfect! Thank you for the pointer.

[quote=“ChrisAZ, post:12, topic:169288”]I added two additional checks to the base code.

The first one checks to see if the light is already on before starting the dawn simulator - this is for those early mornings when I get up before the sunrise is supposed to start. I added this at the top, right after the device_number declaration.

The next check is to see if someone has turned the lights up during the dawn ramp (i.e. dawn starts at 5:30 and at 5:45 I get up and turn the lights up full - I don’t want them going back to halfway through the sunrise). Right after the new dimLevel is calculated I added the code below. It polls the switch to get fresh data, waits 1 second for the poll to complete, then reads the LoadLevelStatus and checks to see if that is higher than what it should be. If it is higher, someone has overridden the ramp and the script exits.

I’m new at this, so I would not be surprised if there are better ways to code this. One key thing to note is that my code is based off the first version of the script which only supported a single device…you probably can’t drop this into the latest script without some edits.[/quote]


great suggestions. Thanks for those. They are totally appropriate for using this as sunrise, but would need some tweaking to support sunset (i.e. end level lower than start level). I’ll see what I can do.


The Wakeup Ramp plugin has this functionality, so start by reading its source code for ideas.[/quote]
Agreed. Although you could just add this line to check the status of the switch before starting;

local virtual_switch_state = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1", "Status",[i]device number[/i])
if (virtual_switch_state == "0" ) then

I have updated the code with the recent suggestions - i.e. stop dimming if the light is beyond it’s target level already


@martin12345 is it possible to use this script with a dumb lamp plugged into a smart outlet/dimmer?

If it’s a dimmable bulb I would imagine so. Not like this, but one of the first things I did with home automation was exactly this, on an old X10 system with smart plugs and incandescent bulbs


if the outlet has dimming capabilites i don’t see why not. And of course the lamp has to be dimmable.

The code had many syntax errors due to forum display formatting
Here it is fixed:-


--the numbers of the devices to control
local device_numbers={50,48}

-- the number of minutes to run the cycle over
local cycle_minutes=45

-- the starting level for the cycle
local start_level=5
-- the ending level for the cycle
local end_level=50

-- minimum time between steps in seconds. To avoid too frequent updates
local minimum_time=30

local step_increment=math.ceil(minimum_time/(cycle_minutes))
local seconds_delay=step_increment * math.ceil(cycle_minutes*0.75)
local dimmingUp=true
local onDetected=false

function setLevel(percent)
-- convert the percentage through to a number
local percentNum=tonumber(percent)

-- check if the first light is on - abort if someone has turned it off when rising. Give it a couple of cycles to check
local lul_tmp = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1", "Status", device_numbers[1])
if (onDetected and dimmingUp and lul_tmp == "0" ) then
  luup.log("SUNRISE: device is off, so quitting")

-- calculate the dim level based on a sinusoidal curve
local dimLevel=start_level+ math.ceil((end_level-start_level)/(1+math.pow(2.71828183,((50-percentNum)*12/100) ) ))

luup.log("SUNRISE: percent="..percent..", dim level="..dimLevel)

local currentLevelNum=0
local currentLevel=""

for i,device_number in pairs(device_numbers) do
  currentLevel=luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1", "LoadLevelStatus", device_number)
  if( (dimmingUp and currentLevelNum<dimLevel) or (not dimmingUp and currentLevelNum>dimLevel)) then
    luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1", "SetLoadLevelTarget", {newLoadlevelTarget = dimLevel}, device_number)
    if( dimmingUp and currentLevelNum>= end_level) then
      -- the light is already beyond the final level, so stop
      luup.log("SUNRISE: light already up to  "..currentLevelNum.." out of "..end_level..". Quitting")
    if(  currentLevelNum<=end_level and not dimmingUp) then
      -- the light is already beyond the final level, so stop
      luup.log("SUNRISE: light already down to "..currentLevelNum.." out of "..end_level..". Quitting")
      if(not onDetected) then
        local currentLevel = luup.variable_get("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:SwitchPower1", "Status", device_number)
        if(currentLevel=="1") then
          luup.log("SUNRISE: setting onDetected to true")


-- keep going until the dim level reaches the final level

if( (dimmingUp and dimLevel<end_level) or (not dimmingUp and dimLevel>end_level) ) then
  luup.call_delay('setLevel', seconds_delay , percentNum,true)


  local device_id_list="";
  if (end_level<start_level) then
  for i,device_number in pairs(device_numbers) do
luup.call_action("urn:upnp-org:serviceId:Dimming1", "SetLoadLevelTarget", {newLoadlevelTarget = start_level}, device_number)

  luup.log("SUNRISE: starting for devices "..device_id_list.." starting from "..start_level.." going to "..end_level.." in "..(80/step_increment).." steps in "..cycle_minutes.." minutes, stepping every ".. seconds_delay.. " seconds.")



Thanks ElCid. The formatting in my original message seems to have not survived the transition to the new forums.